Saturday, 21 December 2013
SLM Weekly Digest 20/12/13
This week's Christmas stocking of news, conversations and information includes:
LVRPA - last Saturday, some SLM campaigners and others attended the first "workshop" that the Lee Valley Regional Park Authority has held since it decided to cease having the User Forum. Our general consensus was, that the format of the meetings was not really a workshop and not greatly changed - the format of the meeting consisted of LVRPA representatives reporting back on recent work; telling us of plans and inviting comment and participation. The London Wildlife Trust's report on the biodiversity of Leyton Marsh, was also discussed. There were some factual inaccuracies noted, which we would want to see changed before the LWT report is endorsed. However, as it is the season of being jolly, SLM will keep open minded, whilst we will continue to be critica and take action, if promises of change are not satisfactorily fulfilled. One of our representatives also met with the Chief Executive of the LVRPA, Shaun Dawson in a long-standing, pre-scheduled meeting to discuss some of our concerns about the Lea Valley, and how working more cooperatively with local people is in all of our interests. There was some promising feedback from Shaun Dawson - which, if acted on, will be good progress. We'll follow up on this more at a later date.
MABLEY GREEN - our friends at Mabley Green, who were planning to extend their community garden project into a fully fledged "Edible Garden", have had a major setback, with fly-tippers dumping tons of rubbish on the site causing a big cost to Hackney Council. SLM extends its heartfelt sympathies. The story is on the front page of this week's "Hackney Gazette". I have to confess that when I first caught sight of it this morning (without my glasses) I jumped to the conclusion that these were before and after pictures of East Marsh!
EAST MARSH - our "dibbings" into the goings-on at East Marsh, continue. It seems that handover from the LLDC (London Legacy Development thingy), should have happened on 2 December, when the Ruckholt Road Underpass was supposed to have been completed. The Heras Fencing will stay put and be up to Hackney to maintain. Mountain bike lanes have also been added (as we reported in the past). The LLDC appears (conveniently) to not be clear about the implications of common land are. The retention of the car park is part of the works and covered under Hackney Council's legal arrangement with the LDA (and successors). However, this has not had the required planning permission seehttp://idox.hackney.gov.uk/WAM/ShowCaseFile.do
STOKEY LOCAL - The good news is that, following the recent Planning Sub Committee debacle; campaigners have inundated the Secretary of State for Communities, with requests to "call in" the application. The Minister has requested more time to think (or perhaps get through his Mince Pies ..). The story is on p.6 of this week's "Hackney Gazette". However, don't get complacent, the campaign still wants people to write letters to the SSofC and have drafted some points for general use. see http://us2.Campaign-archive2.com/?u=747f6d2c72e4ced2aced01c000eid=dc37becdfeee= (you might have to go to the Stokey Local webpage to access this one).
POCKET PARK - school pupils and residents will be consulted on designs for a new "pocket" park. Hackney Council has been awarded £40k to create a welcoming green space at Trelawney Estate, Morning Lane, Homerton (to be inspired by Loddiges Nursery - the biggest hothouse of the 18th-19th centuries). Full story also in the "Hackney Gazette" p.4. This is welcome news, lets hope we see more green consciousness on behalf of the Hackney Council in the New Year.
Well, it remains to say - have an enjoyable seasonal time - and do get out and about and enjoy the green spaces over the festive period and let us know if you see anything you want to tell us about - positive or negative. We'll be having a little break but already preparing for a busy New Year. Our next meeting is at 7.00 at the Princess of Wales pub, Lea Bridge Road, Hackney on Monday 6 January. The meetings are open for any new people who want to come.
Funding Opportunities
Voluntary Action Waltham Forest exists to support local voluntary and community groups. Find out more on ourwebsite, or via the links below: Training Events Networks Resources Funding Services Please note: Our office is closed on Monday 23 December and it re-opens on Thursday 2 January. | Funding for community organisations12 December 2013Waltham Forest grantsWaltham Forest Small Grants - deadline 3 FebruaryWaltham Forest Council provides grants to support the work of local community organisations. You can find out more about these grants and how to apply here Waltham Forest Arts Development Grants - deadline - 28 February The Council says the grants area commitment to partnership working and a recognition of the important contribution that that the local creative community make to the quality of life for everyone in Waltham Forest. More Community Ward Forums Local community ward forums have funding available for projects that local residents choose. Find out more here Waltham Forest contractsWaltham Forest Contracts are advertised on the London Tenders portal. You can see the current tenders here. If you would like to register as a supplier go towww.londontenders.org > click on ‘Suppliers Area’ > click on ‘Register Free’ in the top right corner. There is the potential for business with any of the 18 borough’s on the portal.General funding opportunitiesFunding for organisations that help disadvantaged people - no deadlineLloyds TSB Foundation funds small and medium local and national charities organisations that help disadvantaged people to play a fuller role in the community and provide both project and core funding (running costs). More Funding for smaller charities - deadline 24 December The Woodroffe Benton Foundation supports projects in categories including: Relief of persons in need, hardship or distress; Promotion of education; and Environmental Conservation/Preservation/ Funding for faith communities that are involved in social action - no deadline Together in Service is a new programme supported by the Dept for Communities & Local Government. Its objectives are to: • celebrate the practical contribution that faith communities make to society through social action • support faith groups in undertaking new multi-faith volunteering projects at local level Grants of £2,000 - £5,000 are available. Match funding of half the amount is needed, which can include volunteer time. More Funding for projects that improve the quality of people’s lives - ongoing deadline The Goldsmiths’ Company provides small grants (average £3,000) to projects that improve the quality of people’s lives. Requests for project costs are preferred but request for core funding will be considered. More General match funding for charities and recognised churches - ongoing deadline This is a small funding stream for registered charities and recognised churches which are raising money for projects under £1million. More Funding for smaller, community-led groups which are supporting people at the margins of society They fund projects which address the social, emotional, and financial needs of people at the margins of society. Priority is given to smaller, under-resourced organisations which offer direct services and involve users in their planning. More Funding for projects that assist underprivileged young people; people with disabilities or older people over the age of 60 - monthly deadlines Percy Bilton Charity provides grants of up to £5,000. More Funding for employment, work , advice, social justice, violence and funding for small groups - deadline 3 February Trust for London provides grants to charities, and voluntary and community groups.More Get free one-to-one support with writing funding bids Voluntary Action's Funding Advice Officer, Mutmahim Roaf, can help you with your funding bids. He knows what a good funding application looks like and he can give you lots of guidance and feedback on yours. Call 020 8558 3614 x 224 (Tuesday to Friday) or email mutmahim@voluntaryaction-wf. Children and young peopleFunding to support children and young people from disadvantaged backgroundsThe objectives of the Taylor Family Foundation are to help and support children and young people, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, in the areas of education, health, recreation and the performing arts. More Funding for projects working with young people - ongoing deadline The Princes Trust grants include: Up to £500 for Development Awards to help young people get into education, training or employment. Up to £3,000 for Community Cash Awards that are grants to design and set up a youth led community project. Charities, voluntary and community groups can apply. More Funding for organisations working with young people - no deadline Grants are for organisations working with young people and also individuals (up to the age of 18) that meet the following criteria: Making Dreams Come True for sick and disadvantaged children by: improving education facilities; improving facilities that provide well-being and health care; working with their Charity Partner, Happy Days Children’s Charity to provide short breaks. More Funding for projects to benefit disabled children - no deadline Barbara Ward Children’s Foundation focuses its support on financially healthy children’s charities where funding is not forthcoming from statutory bodies, where incomes and fund balances are constantly put to good use and where administration overheads are kept to a minimum. More Projects that provide opportunities for disadvantaged children and young people - deadline 31 December The Iron Mongers Company does not accept applications by email. More Funding for projects working with children under the age of 10 who have lost one or both parents - deadline 31 December The Clara E Burgess Charity provide grants of mostly £5,000 or less. Only registered charities can apply. More Tesco Charity Community Awards (UK) - deadline Thursday 30 January The Tesco Charity Trust opened its Community Awards for grants for children's welfare and/or children's educations (including special needs schools) on the 1st December 2013. Through the Awards, one-off donations of between £500 and £4,000 are available to local projects that support children and their education and welfare.More Funding for activities to help children engage with nature and enjoy the outdoors - deadline 28 February Charities, voluntary and community sector. Projects with match funding will be looked on more favourably. More Funding for young people launch ideas and programmes that benefit the places where they live - ongoing deadlines The O2 fund helps young people launch ideas and programmes that benefit the places where they live. The money can go towards supporting or training young people to help improve their community. It is for the young people to provide the big idea, and O2 to provide £300 and the support them to make it happen. More Heath and wellbeingFunding for young people and health and welfare - apply nowThe Hedley Foundation will fund voluntary organisations that will run projects that supports young people with education, training, health and welfare as well as support for carers of disabled people & terminally ill. More Funding for projects working to improve health in the community - apply from 16 Dec Mrs Smith and Mount Trust grants average around £3,500. The Fund currently has the following priority areas: • Mental Health • Learning Disability • Homelessness • Health in the Community More Funding for projects working with people who are blind or have learning disabilities The Will Charitable Trust has announced that its Blind People & Learning Disabilities grants programme is now open for applications. The deadline 31 January. More Funding for projects that assist young people and adults affected by learning disabilities Bailey Thomas Foundation offer grants of £250 - £4,000 to voluntary organisations and charities. More Arts and cultureFunding for organisations concerned with music, drama, dance and the artsThe Leche Trust's next deadline is 20 December. More Funding for presenting art projects - deadline 13 January The Elephant Trust was set up to make it possible for artists and those presenting their work to undertake and complete projects when frustrated by lack of funds. Priority is given to artists and to small organisations and galleries. More Funding for the encouragement performing arts, fine arts and crafts - deadline 26 February The Idlewild Trust supports registered charities concerned with the encouragement of the performing and fine arts and crafts, the advancement of education within the arts and the preservation for the benefit of the public of lands, buildings and other objects of beauty or historic interest in the UK. More More arts funding news Apex Arts in Waltham Forest provide a good list of funding for arts organisations. You can ask to be added to their mailing list by contacting Martin at:apexarts1@gmail.com EnvironmentGrow Wild Community SitesA Grow Wild site might be an unloved, neglected and rundown area that you'd like to reclaim for the local community. Grants of £500 - £5,000 are available to local voluntary or community organisations, a group of young people or a creative group turn it into an inspiring place. Closing date for applications is 6 January. More Fundraising news and resourcesHow to collect information to prove your impactThe Big Lottery have created a list of resources to help you collect information on the outcomes of your work and to track the difference you are making. More Charities to benefit from Government plans to help small businesses The Government has launched Small Business: GREAT Ambition, an action plan to support small businesses. Although aimed at small businesses, it addresses areas, particularly public procurement, where small charities and social enterprises face similar barriers to businesses. The EU defines a small business as an organisation that employs less than 50 members of staff. The NCVO Almanac suggests that two-thirds of voluntary organisations fit this description. Key actions in the report that will benefit charities are: • Pre-qualification questionnaires (PQQs) are to be abolished for low value contracts. • Plans to mandate prompt payment all the way down a supply chain. • Extending the Mystery shopper service. • New requirements for contracting authorities to report SME and voluntary sector spend. Get advice when submitting funding bidsGet free one-to-one supportVoluntary Action's Funding Advice Officer, Mutmahim Roaf, can help you with your funding bids. If you are not a formally consitututed community group he can help you to become one. Mutmahim knows what a good funding application looks like and he can give you lots of guidance and feedback on yours to increase your chances of success. Call him on 020 8558 3614 x 224 (Tuesday to Friday) or email mutmahim@voluntaryaction-wf. More ongoing grant opportunities are on our website here Writing successful applications - new training dates for 2014 Wednesday 22 January or Thursday 16 March These half-day sessions are filled with lots practical advice, information and discussion on how to write successful funding applications. The session will take you through key areas of writing a successful application; from planning your activities, your accounts and costs, marketing and research, monitoring and how to meeting funders outcomes. Training is provided within a small group at the Central Resource Hub near Bakers Arms and you’ll have the opportunity to meet other local community organisations. The course is just £15 for members of Voluntary Action Waltham Forest and £30 for non members. For more details see training or email: sangita@voluntaryaction-wf. Join us Membership of Voluntary Action Waltham Forest is open to all not-for-profit community organisations working or based in Waltham Forest. Find out more here or call 020 8558 3614 and speak to Sarah (extension 237) or Sangita (extension 222) or email us! |
If you wish to be unsubscribed from this list and not receive further emails please click here.
Best wishes and kind regards, The VAWF Team
Waltham Forest Resource Hub (Central)
1 Russell Road Leyton London, LON E10 7ES United Kingdom 020 8558 3614 | |||
Free School Update
Dear friends,
Our Community, Our Schools has been busy in the last couple of weeks and there's a lot to report on.
National focus on Free Schools: problems, problems, problems:
Firstly, it's been a hectic couple of weeks in the national debate around Free Schools, with three Free Schools in crisis, a National Audit Office report that exposes the full costs of MIchael Gove's pet project and growing Parliamentary criticism. It's clear to us that the wheels are coming off the Free Schools project fast and it's time for their local supporters to think again. Read more here:
OCOS: Active in our community and making our case nationally:
Supporters of Our Community, Our Schools have been active in the local and national media and taking our case to Parliament in the last couple of weeks. Read what we've been up to here:
DV8: The School that isn't a school:
With all the attention on the Secondary Free Schools it's easy to forget that there is also a proposal for a Free School teaching 16-19 year olds in our borough. You can read our response to this proposal here:
It's the festive season shortly and we'll be taking a break too in order to come back fresh for our plans in the New Year.
But before we do, we'll be launching one more new campaign initiative in the next few days. Watch this space and as ever, thank you for supporting our community schools.
Jonathan White
Scarlet Harris
Alison Emmett
Kiri Tunks
Mark Holding
Tom Davies
and everyone else at Our Community, Our Schools..
Come Wassailing
Dear Friends,
I have just met the landlady, and all is well for Apple Yoeling (wassailing) at 6pm (same as last year)
on Saturday 11th January 2014.
At the Ferry Boat Inn, 1 Forest Road, N17 - Walthamstow's oldest & largest apple orchard!
Tube & O'ground to Blackhorse Rd, main line to Tottenham Hale. Buses 123/230.
I'll get publicity done to send out over the next couple of weeks, but if you could pass this on in the meantime I'd be grateful.
0790 415 9398
0790 415 9398
William Morris Pub now open

The College Arms near Waltham Forest College has now transformed into the William Morris pub. Perhaps students no longer need a convenient watering hole with the burdon of their student loans hanging over them!
William Morris Pub
Christmas Shop at the WMG
Volunteering Opportunities at the Gallery
Please help us to spread the word about these exciting opportunities by forwarding this message to your contacts and networks.
We have three exciting volunteer roles available at the William Morris Gallery to anyone aged 18 or over:
Visitor Volunteers
Business Development Volunteer
Volunteer Coordination Supporter
Descriptions of the roles and instructions on how to apply are available on our websitewww.wmgallery.org.uk/get_
Not sure if volunteering is for you? Want to meet the team? Come along to one of our open days for some one-to-one advice and support for your application.
Volunteer Open Days
Friday 31 January and Saturday 1 February 2014
10am - 5pm
William Morris Gallery
Free, just drop-in
Please send any enquiries to wmg.volunteer@walthamforest.
Many thanks
Rebecca Jacobs
Activities and Events Officer
William Morris Gallery
020 8496 1465
Museum of the Year 2013
The William Morris Gallery is open to the public Wednesday to Sunday 10am - 5pm, entry is free for everyone.
Activities and Events Officer
William Morris Gallery
020 8496 1465
Museum of the Year 2013
The William Morris Gallery is open to the public Wednesday to Sunday 10am - 5pm, entry is free for everyone.
Dear friends
The William Morris Gallery have now opened applications for the 2014 Artist in Residence. For more information and how to apply please see the attached form or go to our website athttp://www.wmgallery.org.uk/get_involved/artist-opportunities
The deadline for expressions of interest is Friday 6 February 2014 at 5pm
Please forward details of this opportunity to your friends and networks. If you have any questions please contact me at wmg.enquiries@walthamforest.gov.uk
Kind regards
The William Morris Gallery have now opened applications for the 2014 Artist in Residence. For more information and how to apply please see the attached form or go to our website athttp://www.wmgallery.org.uk/
The deadline for expressions of interest is Friday 6 February 2014 at 5pm
Please forward details of this opportunity to your friends and networks. If you have any questions please contact me at wmg.enquiries@walthamforest.
Kind regards
Rebecca Jacobs
Activities and Events Officer
William Morris Gallery
020 8496 1465
Museum of the Year 2013
The William Morris Gallery is open to the public Wednesday to Sunday 10am - 5pm, entry is free for everyone.
Activities and Events Officer
William Morris Gallery
020 8496 1465
Museum of the Year 2013
The William Morris Gallery is open to the public Wednesday to Sunday 10am - 5pm, entry is free for everyone.
Friday, 13 December 2013
The other view of the Ray Dudley Way
To whom this may concern
There are a lot of teenagers living in Edison Close or surrounding the close as 15 years ago these young adults where minors.
I do not feel intimidated by these young adults nor have I witnessed intimidation from these teenagers.
I am highly concerned of the ethnicity of the CCTV cameras which are being placed. they are large, vulgar and intrusive!
I have not been contacted by the council to inform me of the new arrangement or have not been informed of any proposed changes to the close regarding the installation of 4 enormous CCTV units.
I have never been asked via door to door survey or written by the council if I feel CCTV would make my neighbourhood safe and secure.
after reading the statements from Sam Russell and Glen Wallis I feel that the reason for the CCTV has come from your local statistics or even targets that had to have been met for the CCTV to be implemented for the councils own agenda.
I have spoken to numerous neighbours and they are disappointed of the lack of information regarding the installations.
The hight of the cameras are very disturbing to as the cameras can pivit they will be within the view of bedroom windows. this is very intrusive and surely not legal.
the cameras are so tall an offensive I can see the camera poles from Walthamstow train station.
Walthamstow market are able to have discreet cameras which is obviously a place where deterrents should be high and visible CCTV would be accepted unlike Edison close.
I would propose the cameras be removed until the neighbour hood has agreed to the installation or a more discreet device is placed.
Many Thanks
Lack of Biodiversity officers
The Association of Local Government Ecologists produced a report in November 2013 called ‘Ecological Capacity and Competence in English Planning Authorities: What is needed to deliver statutory obligations for biodiversity?’. It states, ‘The results show that many local planning authorities do not currently have either the capacity and/or the competence to undertake the effective, and in some cases necessarily lawful, assessment of planning applications where biodiversity is a material consideration.’ I would have thought that being two of only three London boroughs without a biodiversity officer places Hackney and Waltham Forest at the very bottom of any league table of competence, and would call for this to be rectified immediately.
Not sure you will find the report as the web site seems very out of date!
Not sure you will find the report as the web site seems very out of date!
Friends of Parks want you
Friends of St James Park invite you to join them to plant daffodils in St James Park on Sunday 15th December from 1-3pm. Come along and help plant daffodil bulbs. Please bring tools and any bulbs you can spare. The Friends of Lloyd Park are also asking all park fans to send in their best photos of Lloyd Park, in any season.Email your favourites (and your name) and visit their new website.
SLM Newsletter 7/12/13
WEED-KILLER - in response to SLM members' concerns about Glyphosate weed killer being used on our greens spaces and our streets, this week's "Hackney Gazette" front pages features an article by Emma Bartholomew, about the dangers and the £40,000 a year costs of using this dubious way of keeping our streets weed free.
CROSS MARSHES - SLM organised a meeting of groups and interested individuals last Sunday at Ye Olde Rose & Crown, Walthamstow, to discuss the Lee Valley Regional Park Authority (LVRPA) commissioned report on the state of Leyton Marsh, carried out by the London Wildlife Trust (LWT) and also to discuss having stronger bio-diversity measures used by Waltham Forest and Hackney Councils, including permanent Bio Diversity officers. Resulting from this two letters have been drafted and sent to our contacts inviting them to sign up to the letters by Friday 13 December.
LVRPA MEETING - as reported last week - the LVRPA decided to drop it's user group meetings and replace them with other ways they think local people with want to engage with. Despite questioning the lack of consultation on this, we discussed the issue at the Cross Marshes meeting and decided that as being fair minded people, those who wish to attend this meeting, should give LVRPA personnel a chance to outline what they are proposing. The meeting which will discuss the LWT report will take place at 1.30 at the Waterworks. People are requested to contact Martin PageMPage@leevalleypark.org.uk if they are intending to attend.
HACKNEY BIO DIVERISTY - we have been alerted to the Draft Hackney Local Development Framework. Chapter 6 of this, specifically relates to bio diversity (although we think it needs strengthening). see http://www.hackney.gov.uk/assets/documents/
NEWS FROM OTHER CAMPAIGNS - we like to give our support to other local groups and campaigns in SLM - we know how hard it can be to stand up and to keep the energy flowing - so this week, we give a heads up to the Southbank Skate Park campaign. Since last week, the park has been closed by the South Bank organisation "for repairs". SBO want to see the Skate Park moved to another site, so it can use the space for more "income generating" activities. This plays scant regard to the importance of "self generated" activities. This space was the first dedicated space for skateboarders - it has "a legacy" in a real sense, not just in the Olympic sense of the word. The campaign is appealing for support on planning see http://on.fb.me?lcXeqw8 Also, get yourselves down to Hackney Town Hall this Wednesday 11 December at 6.30 to support Stokey Local and its campaign to stop the Sainsbury's development in Stoke Newington, overlooking Abney Park.
ORGANIC LEA - news from our friends at Organic Lea, includes (a) a new scheme to get people involved in helping people use or share their gardens more effectively, growing organic vegetables - contact jen@organiclea.org.uk for more information and (b) if you are quick there is an interesting job on offer: Volunteering Development Officer, for 30 hours a week. Closing date is this coming Monday 9 December. See www.naturewise.org.uk or contact info@naturewise.org.uk
NEXT SLM MEETING - MONDAY 16 DECEMBER, 7.30 AT THE HARE & HOUNDS, LEA BRIDGE ROAD, LEYTON. All welcome - not just the "usual suspects" ...
CROSS MARSHES - SLM organised a meeting of groups and interested individuals last Sunday at Ye Olde Rose & Crown, Walthamstow, to discuss the Lee Valley Regional Park Authority (LVRPA) commissioned report on the state of Leyton Marsh, carried out by the London Wildlife Trust (LWT) and also to discuss having stronger bio-diversity measures used by Waltham Forest and Hackney Councils, including permanent Bio Diversity officers. Resulting from this two letters have been drafted and sent to our contacts inviting them to sign up to the letters by Friday 13 December.
LVRPA MEETING - as reported last week - the LVRPA decided to drop it's user group meetings and replace them with other ways they think local people with want to engage with. Despite questioning the lack of consultation on this, we discussed the issue at the Cross Marshes meeting and decided that as being fair minded people, those who wish to attend this meeting, should give LVRPA personnel a chance to outline what they are proposing. The meeting which will discuss the LWT report will take place at 1.30 at the Waterworks. People are requested to contact Martin PageMPage@leevalleypark.org.uk if they are intending to attend.
HACKNEY BIO DIVERISTY - we have been alerted to the Draft Hackney Local Development Framework. Chapter 6 of this, specifically relates to bio diversity (although we think it needs strengthening). see http://www.hackney.gov.uk/
NEWS FROM OTHER CAMPAIGNS - we like to give our support to other local groups and campaigns in SLM - we know how hard it can be to stand up and to keep the energy flowing - so this week, we give a heads up to the Southbank Skate Park campaign. Since last week, the park has been closed by the South Bank organisation "for repairs". SBO want to see the Skate Park moved to another site, so it can use the space for more "income generating" activities. This plays scant regard to the importance of "self generated" activities. This space was the first dedicated space for skateboarders - it has "a legacy" in a real sense, not just in the Olympic sense of the word. The campaign is appealing for support on planning see http://on.fb.me?lcXeqw8 Also, get yourselves down to Hackney Town Hall this Wednesday 11 December at 6.30 to support Stokey Local and its campaign to stop the Sainsbury's development in Stoke Newington, overlooking Abney Park.
ORGANIC LEA - news from our friends at Organic Lea, includes (a) a new scheme to get people involved in helping people use or share their gardens more effectively, growing organic vegetables - contact jen@organiclea.org.uk for more information and (b) if you are quick there is an interesting job on offer: Volunteering Development Officer, for 30 hours a week. Closing date is this coming Monday 9 December. See www.naturewise.org.uk or contact info@naturewise.org.uk
NEXT SLM MEETING - MONDAY 16 DECEMBER, 7.30 AT THE HARE & HOUNDS, LEA BRIDGE ROAD, LEYTON. All welcome - not just the "usual suspects" ...
Wildflower Planting
Main Spring Project: Wildflower Planting. We now have three sites confirmed for wildflower planting in the Spring, and plenty to do to prepare over Winter. We now know that the sites will be ready for planting, so the next few months is about setting dates and getting the word out to local schools and residents. If you're near Pimp Hall, Lloyd Park or Kitchener Park or want to be involved in any way please get in touch.
Waltham Forest Friends of the Earth
Waltham Forest Friends of the Earth
Mini Holland ?
Mini Holland? Our borough has been shortlisted for some cycling infrastructure funding. To support the 'mini-holland' bid, show your support here. To see how Holland got to such a cycle friendly city in just a few decades, watch this excellent film. For up to date info follow @WFFoe or #WFMiniHolland. After over 1000 cyclists and many locals joined the 'die-in' at TfL headquarters last week, it's a good time to keep up the pressure.
From Simon Munk:

LVRPA abolish User Forum
Dear Councillors
At the previous Ward Forum meetings we have had items on the Lee Valley Regional Park that have been of great interest particularly as Lea Bridge Ward includes quite a bit of LVRPA-owned land. As Councillors you have written to the LVRPA Chairman on our behalf in the past to complain about, or query, some decisions of the LVRPA that affect our Ward.
I am now bringing to your attention that the LVRPA has decided, unilaterally and without notice, to abolish its Walthamstow Marshes and Filter Beds Users' Forum - this body covers also the Leyton Marshes.
LVRPA is a publicly-funded body to which this Borough pays considerable amounts of funds. There is only one Councillor from each Borough on the LVRPA Board, so in order for the LVRPA to be fully accountable and provide appropriate services it is essential for them to have direct access to the opinions and expertise of local people/ members of the public who use the Park's land and facilities. It is preposterous that the LVRPA has now abolished the very channel of communication that enables this to happen.
I therefore ask that this matter is placed on the agenda of our next Ward Forum meeting on 11th December.
I look forward to seeing you at the meeting.
Claire Weiss
E10 7AR
At the previous Ward Forum meetings we have had items on the Lee Valley Regional Park that have been of great interest particularly as Lea Bridge Ward includes quite a bit of LVRPA-owned land. As Councillors you have written to the LVRPA Chairman on our behalf in the past to complain about, or query, some decisions of the LVRPA that affect our Ward.
I am now bringing to your attention that the LVRPA has decided, unilaterally and without notice, to abolish its Walthamstow Marshes and Filter Beds Users' Forum - this body covers also the Leyton Marshes.
LVRPA is a publicly-funded body to which this Borough pays considerable amounts of funds. There is only one Councillor from each Borough on the LVRPA Board, so in order for the LVRPA to be fully accountable and provide appropriate services it is essential for them to have direct access to the opinions and expertise of local people/ members of the public who use the Park's land and facilities. It is preposterous that the LVRPA has now abolished the very channel of communication that enables this to happen.
I therefore ask that this matter is placed on the agenda of our next Ward Forum meeting on 11th December.
I look forward to seeing you at the meeting.
Claire Weiss
E10 7AR
SLM Newsletter 28/11/13
This week, as Pantomime season gets underway, news has reached SLM that the Lea Valley's annual Panto will be based on
"Robin Hood" - with the wicked Sherrifs of Nothinggreengrowing - taking our taxes but not allowing local people's voices to be heard. Be gone they say! Hiss, boo, we say... What's all this then? News from the Lee Valley Regional Park Authority's Green Space Manager of Parklands and Venues, Martin Page that the LVRPA have "decided" not to continue with the Users Forums (we wondered where they had gone), but instead to have:
OH IC ITY - a few weeks ago, we ran a piece about the Olympic land knock down sell off (80% off the original price with no money back for taxpayers), now, courtesy of the "Hackney Gazette", comes news that the Olympic ex- Press & Broadcasting building, will make a return of just £15m in 200 years. This you may wish to know cost £350m. For the full horror of how to use clever accountancy procedures to fleece the public see p.9 of this week's "Hackney Gazette".
OH, OH, THE STOKEY LOCEY .. the friends and residents group Stokey Local are taking their battle to reverse the last planning decision on the Sainsbury's plus flats combo threatening to overshadow Abney Park and blight local shopping, back to Hackney Town Hall, Mare Street on 11 December. Gather at 6.00 p.m. for a Stokey Claus event before the Planning Committee, in front of the Town Hall. For more information on how to sign the petition or give to the causehttp://stokey.local/calin
TROUBLED BRIDGE OVER WATER - after a recent patch up, it seems that problems with the state of Friends Bridge have been happening again.. Hackney Council are said to be "on it" (better watch it then...).
FUNDING WITH EDGE - the Edge Fund is a different sort of funder for community projects. 100 hundred members make decisions on where the good cause money goes. The fund has launched an appeal for monthly donations. If you want to make a difference please go to http://edgefund.org.uk/donation/
Firstly, DO NOT FORGET TO COME TO THE ACROSS THE MARSHES MEETING THIS SUNDAY 1 DECEMBER FROM 2-4 P.M. AT THE RED ROOM, YE OLDE ROSE & CROWN THEATRE PUB 55 HOE STREET, WALTHAMSTOW E17, when we will be discussing the London Wildlife Trust's report for the LVRPA on Leyton Marsh plus how we can get permanent Bio Diversity Officers with more powers at council meetings. Our new T shirts will be on sale at £12.50.
SANTA PAWS Event - doggie friendly gathering also at the Red Room but on Sunday 8 December at 4.00 p.m. Details from www.walthamforest4dogs@yahoo.co.uk
GUFFAW XMAS SPECIAL starring Steve Hughes, will be at The Apollo on Wednesday December 18th. Tickets £12.50 from www.wegottickets.com/event
FRIENDS OF BELAIR PARK - all welcome to an exhibition on flood works affecting the area on 6-7 December from 11.00-5.00 p.m. and also to their AGM on 7 December at 17.30.
DALSTON EASTERN CURVE GARDEN - continues to celebrate the Festival of Light and having a special adult "make and meet" to make lanterns etc. on Wednesday 27 November. For those of you who have never been, this is a delightful "temporary" place, so use it whilst you can.
FUNDRAISING - a few of us formed "The SLaMmers" to take part in the weekly quiz at "The Crooked Billet" pub, Upper Clapton Road, Hackney on Monday, and somehow or other, we managed to win first prize of £80.00 to donate to SLM funds.
Next SLM meeting with be at The Princess of Wales on Monday 2 December, at the Princess of Wales pub, Lea Bridge Road, at the new time (for Hackney meetings) of 7.00. We'll be following up on the Cross Marshes meeting the day before. All welcome.
"Robin Hood" - with the wicked Sherrifs of Nothinggreengrowing - taking our taxes but not allowing local people's voices to be heard. Be gone they say! Hiss, boo, we say... What's all this then? News from the Lee Valley Regional Park Authority's Green Space Manager of Parklands and Venues, Martin Page that the LVRPA have "decided" not to continue with the Users Forums (we wondered where they had gone), but instead to have:
- conservation volunteering
- community events (huh? gasp!)
- site management workshops
- site improvement projects
- newsletter
- access to a ranger
OH IC ITY - a few weeks ago, we ran a piece about the Olympic land knock down sell off (80% off the original price with no money back for taxpayers), now, courtesy of the "Hackney Gazette", comes news that the Olympic ex- Press & Broadcasting building, will make a return of just £15m in 200 years. This you may wish to know cost £350m. For the full horror of how to use clever accountancy procedures to fleece the public see p.9 of this week's "Hackney Gazette".
OH, OH, THE STOKEY LOCEY .. the friends and residents group Stokey Local are taking their battle to reverse the last planning decision on the Sainsbury's plus flats combo threatening to overshadow Abney Park and blight local shopping, back to Hackney Town Hall, Mare Street on 11 December. Gather at 6.00 p.m. for a Stokey Claus event before the Planning Committee, in front of the Town Hall. For more information on how to sign the petition or give to the causehttp://stokey.local/calin
TROUBLED BRIDGE OVER WATER - after a recent patch up, it seems that problems with the state of Friends Bridge have been happening again.. Hackney Council are said to be "on it" (better watch it then...).
FUNDING WITH EDGE - the Edge Fund is a different sort of funder for community projects. 100 hundred members make decisions on where the good cause money goes. The fund has launched an appeal for monthly donations. If you want to make a difference please go to http://edgefund.org.uk/
Firstly, DO NOT FORGET TO COME TO THE ACROSS THE MARSHES MEETING THIS SUNDAY 1 DECEMBER FROM 2-4 P.M. AT THE RED ROOM, YE OLDE ROSE & CROWN THEATRE PUB 55 HOE STREET, WALTHAMSTOW E17, when we will be discussing the London Wildlife Trust's report for the LVRPA on Leyton Marsh plus how we can get permanent Bio Diversity Officers with more powers at council meetings. Our new T shirts will be on sale at £12.50.
SANTA PAWS Event - doggie friendly gathering also at the Red Room but on Sunday 8 December at 4.00 p.m. Details from www.walthamforest4dogs@yahoo.
GUFFAW XMAS SPECIAL starring Steve Hughes, will be at The Apollo on Wednesday December 18th. Tickets £12.50 from www.wegottickets.com/event
FRIENDS OF BELAIR PARK - all welcome to an exhibition on flood works affecting the area on 6-7 December from 11.00-5.00 p.m. and also to their AGM on 7 December at 17.30.
DALSTON EASTERN CURVE GARDEN - continues to celebrate the Festival of Light and having a special adult "make and meet" to make lanterns etc. on Wednesday 27 November. For those of you who have never been, this is a delightful "temporary" place, so use it whilst you can.
FUNDRAISING - a few of us formed "The SLaMmers" to take part in the weekly quiz at "The Crooked Billet" pub, Upper Clapton Road, Hackney on Monday, and somehow or other, we managed to win first prize of £80.00 to donate to SLM funds.
Next SLM meeting with be at The Princess of Wales on Monday 2 December, at the Princess of Wales pub, Lea Bridge Road, at the new time (for Hackney meetings) of 7.00. We'll be following up on the Cross Marshes meeting the day before. All welcome.
Really poor design
Thanks to Jonathon Crossley for this:

Friday, 6 December 2013
WVRA Christmas Carols
Crossrail 2 - results of consultation
I've received the following and thought people who might be interested in the figures:
Dear Sir / Madam
Thank you for taking part in our consultation earlier and or registering for Crossrail 2 project updates.
We are now able to update you on the consultation results and let you know that the consultation results report is now available online at www.crossrail2.co.uk
We are now working through the suggestions and comments made during the consultation. We hope to be able to publish our response to issues raised in the early spring 2014.
There were a total of 13,933 replies to the recent consultation:
· 13,767 were from the public and
· 166 from stakeholders
Public responses to the consultation
Of the 13,767 replies received, 96% of the public respondents strongly support or support the principle of Crossrail 2. Only 2% oppose or strongly oppose the principle.
Support is high for both route options, but it is the Regional option which has the greatest overall level of support, with 84% total support, against 73% total support for the Metro option. Many of the responses received, requested specific destination to be served.
Stakeholder Responses to the consultation
Of the 166 stakeholder replies received, 86% strongly support or support the principle of Crossrail 2. Only 3% oppose or strongly oppose the principle.
The Regional option has strong support from stakeholders, with 75% strongly supporting or supporting this option, as opposed to just 36% who strongly supported/supported the Metro option. Only 6% of stakeholders opposed or strongly opposed the Regional option. 16% of stakeholders strongly opposed or opposed the Metro option.
As with public responses, a number of specific destinations were requested to be served.
We are now working through the suggestions and comments made during the consultation. We hope to be able to publish our response to issues raised by spring 2014.
If you have any questions regarding the project or the consultation, please email crossrail2@tfl.gov.uk
We look forward to updating you on the progress of the project in spring next year 2014.
Paul Plummer Peter Bradley
Group Strategy Director Head of Consultation Delivery
Network Rail Transport for London
Dear Sir / Madam
Thank you for taking part in our consultation earlier and or registering for Crossrail 2 project updates.
We are now able to update you on the consultation results and let you know that the consultation results report is now available online at www.crossrail2.co.uk
We are now working through the suggestions and comments made during the consultation. We hope to be able to publish our response to issues raised in the early spring 2014.
There were a total of 13,933 replies to the recent consultation:
· 13,767 were from the public and
· 166 from stakeholders
Public responses to the consultation
Of the 13,767 replies received, 96% of the public respondents strongly support or support the principle of Crossrail 2. Only 2% oppose or strongly oppose the principle.
Support is high for both route options, but it is the Regional option which has the greatest overall level of support, with 84% total support, against 73% total support for the Metro option. Many of the responses received, requested specific destination to be served.
Stakeholder Responses to the consultation
Of the 166 stakeholder replies received, 86% strongly support or support the principle of Crossrail 2. Only 3% oppose or strongly oppose the principle.
The Regional option has strong support from stakeholders, with 75% strongly supporting or supporting this option, as opposed to just 36% who strongly supported/supported the Metro option. Only 6% of stakeholders opposed or strongly opposed the Regional option. 16% of stakeholders strongly opposed or opposed the Metro option.
As with public responses, a number of specific destinations were requested to be served.
We are now working through the suggestions and comments made during the consultation. We hope to be able to publish our response to issues raised by spring 2014.
If you have any questions regarding the project or the consultation, please email crossrail2@tfl.gov.uk
We look forward to updating you on the progress of the project in spring next year 2014.
Paul Plummer Peter Bradley
Group Strategy Director Head of Consultation Delivery
Network Rail Transport for London
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