Friday 21 March 2014

Marsh Lane - Jubilee Park

I took my kids to marsh lane this afternoon to check out  the new playgrounds. A ship climbing frame, a traditional slide type place and a some other bits. The place was packed with families enjoying the sun and the kids, loads of them, were having a great time, mine included.

A great amount of space has been taken up by the new exhibits and the main play area is enclosed by a pointless fence but i must say that the fields were alive with the sound of laughter and children having fun and more people than i have ever seen in lammas lounging in the sun. 

Whilst i appreciate the desire of some to keep the space free of this sort of thing i think i support the decision of the council to put the new bits in as the space is now being enjoyed by hundreds of people whereas before it was used by only a few. I know that my kids had a great time and with many of their friends who had also come down independently of us.

Maybe it was a good idea?


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