It is one month since the Greater London National Park* was launched and the notional park is going from strength to strength.
There are now 33 organisations that have become Friends of the Park* ranging from major international non-profits to local gardening groups. You can see all our friends and become one here: http://bit.ly/GLNPfriends.
Interest is building in the media and just this week the Park* featured on page 5 of Time Out London and I was interviewed on BBC Radio London http://bbc.in/1u7XUwX.
During this month we are running a gentle guerrilla art campaign that I am sure will raise the profile of the Park* in London's local media.
Please consider helping to amplify the Park* by doing one of these things:
30 seconds
Share a tweet or a Facebook update asking your connections to sign this petition http://chn.ge/1u80Dqb.
Share a tweet or a Facebook update asking your connections to sign this petition http://chn.ge/1u80Dqb.
1 Minute
Use your Twitter or Facebook power to support our Thunderclap. If we can find 10 more supporters a message of support for this petition will go to over 150,000 people. Take 1 minute and add your social support now: http://thndr.it/1llJIOz
Use your Twitter or Facebook power to support our Thunderclap. If we can find 10 more supporters a message of support for this petition will go to over 150,000 people. Take 1 minute and add your social support now: http://thndr.it/1llJIOz
2 Minutes
Add your name as a Friend of the Greater London National Park*. If appropriate, you could sign your organisation up too. To see the full list of Friends and to add your name visit: http://bit.ly/GLNPfriends
Add your name as a Friend of the Greater London National Park*. If appropriate, you could sign your organisation up too. To see the full list of Friends and to add your name visit: http://bit.ly/GLNPfriends
3 Minutes
Are you in London? Find out who is standing for your local election and send them a tweet or an email asking them to become of friend of the Park*.
Are you in London? Find out who is standing for your local election and send them a tweet or an email asking them to become of friend of the Park*.
4+ Minutes
You will know best what powers you have to support this campaign. Letters to politicians, newsletter items, blog posts, articles and tweets can all help. If you have any ideas or questions please do email us at imagine@greaterlondonnationalpark.org.uk .
You will know best what powers you have to support this campaign. Letters to politicians, newsletter items, blog posts, articles and tweets can all help. If you have any ideas or questions please do email us at imagine@
Thank you very much for reading. I will send another update at the start of next month.
Daniel RavenEllison
@LondonNP #GLNP
@LondonNP #GLNP
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