Tuesday 29 September 2015

Upper Walthamstow CPZ

Even by Waltham Forest's standards of incompetence this takes the biscuit. Unknown to residents of Avon Road part of the Upper Walthamstow area was consulted about a CPZ. Avon Road is in the centre of Upper Walthamstow and has the 230 bus route running double decker buses through it every 12 minutes 22 hours a day. Avon Road has NOT been included in the consultation area.

The CPZ war has been raging for 30 years in the Borough so you would have thought by now the council would have some idea of how to deal with this issue. They recently introduced a CPZ into Vallentin Road which has brought more traffic into the Upper Walthamstow Area. For totally inexplicable reasons Avon Road and parts of Fyfield Road were left out of the consultation.

Apparently the few roads that were consulted have deemed to be in favour and the scheme is going ahead. The result of this will be chaos for the 230 bus route. Avon Road is two way and the bus goes one way up it and down Bisterne Ave. Once the CPZ is operational drivers will use any space in Avon Road to park their cars for free meaning there is no pull in space for vehicles coming down the road to allow the bus up. This will lead to the bus being blocked and severely delayed.

How can this incompetent decision have got as far as this without the people affected having any idea of what is happening?

Watch this space for the pictures of buses stuck on the hill and traffic grinding to a halt. So if you are waiting for a 230 and it does not come the chances are it is gridlocked in Upper Walthamstow.

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