Jubilee Park
Lea Bridge Consultation closed
From the Council
Lea Bridge Road – Mini-Holland consultation feeds back
Thanks to over 700 of you who gave your views and suggestions in the last part of the Lea Bridge Road Mini-Holland consultation (Bakers Arms to Wood Street section). All of this feedback will now be carefully analysed and considered as part of our final designs and where we can, we’ll incorporate your suggestions. Where we can’t, we’ll try to explain the reasons why.
As the Mini-Holland scheme is funded by Transport for London (TfL), they need to approve our plans so we’ll show them the consultation results and revised plans over the coming weeks. We expect to update residents on the next steps in early 2016 and should have more detail by then about what the scheme will look like and how your feedback has helped shaped it. In the meantime you can still view the consultation plans on the different parts of the Lea Bridge scheme by visiting:https://lbrproposals.
Coming up next in the programme will be the consultations for Mini-Holland works in Leyton and Leytonstone town centres. For more information and updates as things happen sign up to the Mini-Holland e-news by emailing miniholland@walthamforest.gov.uk
I'm writing to you as someone who has written to me about Mini Holland to share with you the latest correspondence I have had from the Council about this matter.
As you may recall, I have urged the Council to rethink their decision to not conduct their proposed review of the scheme in time for it to influence the future implementation of the scheme. Below is the latest response I have had from the Council on this point, and the details of when residents may expect to be able to access the guide to the 'copenhagen' crossings and other elements of the design of Mini Holland that they have committed to producing.
One of the many issues residents have raised with me about this scheme and also some of the recent changes to parking in our area is the impact this has on access to religious buildings. In the run up to a busy time of the year for a number of faith communities in our borough, I have asked the Council if they will respond to this point directly. In particular I have asked if they could consider including time limited exemptions around such buildings and relevant routes to them, to help ease any potential sources of pressure for local residents during periods of religious celebrations throughout the year where traffic of all forms to and from such venues as well as around them is likely to be higher. I will of course also keep residents updated on this point as and when I receive an answer and if you have views on this and what would be an effective way to balance these concerns please do let me know so that I can raise this with the Council too.
I hope this information is of interest and I will continue to keep you informed as and when I receive further information on this project.
with kind regards
Dear Stella,
Many thanks for your correspondence of 15th November regarding the Mini-Holland Programme. As my office have explained, I have just returned from leave so apologies that I have not been able to consider your letter until now.
The Highways team are currently planning the review of the project at Walthamstow Village, and will take into consideration your thoughts regarding its timing and focus. We will be sure to keep you updated on progress with this. In the meantime we are endeavouring to write the short guide on Mini Holland for residents, and will share this with you once it is completed in the coming weeks.
Yours sincerely,
Martin Esom
Chief Executive
Waltham Forest Council
From: stellacreasy@gmail.com [mailto:stellacreasy@gmail.com
Sent: 15 November 2015 20:53
To: Martin Esom; Rosie Tulloch
Subject: Re: Letter to Stella Creasy MP RE: Mini Holland Programme
Dear Martin
Thank you for this letter and attachments regarding the 'Mini Holland' project which are extremely helpful - I am grateful for confirmation that there will be a review of the project conducted and for the details of plans for a guide to the details of the scheme. However, I note that the review proposed will not begin until Summer 2016 and will be retrospective, rather than contributing to how the current scheme continues.
I would again strongly urge Waltham Forest Council to reconsider this approach, and instead programme a review that will provide an opportunity to influence the implementation of this scheme in real time. In particular, I would urge Waltham Forest Council to explicitly commit to a review process that could consider whether specific amendments proposed by residents are required to the current layout of closures - both enacted and proposed- which could help improve the outcomes achieved in Walthamstow.
I look forward to receiving the guide to the changes, and to hearing more details about this review and any amendments to its timing and focus if made,
kind regards