Friday 5 February 2016

Mini Holland Update 5-2-16


More money squandered - why two speed cushions and many posts so close and why in the parking bay? - will new robot controlled cars be going too fast when they park?

Why is the Village privileged to have it s speed cushions removed and replaced with humps - all the other speed cushions around the Borough are wearing out and need replacing!

An interesting report published by the Institute of Economic Affairs suggests four out of five sets of traffic lights should be removed to reduce travel delays! Follow link below. 

Incidentally today it took me an hour by foot and bus to get from Markhouse Road to Friday Hill and I never left Waltham Forest and there were no major hold ups!!

Institute of Economic Affairs

Lea Bridge Road Consultation Results

Leyton Town Centre

Leytonstone Town Centre

How Enfield does Mini Holland

Kingston's Go Cycle plans

Kingston Overhauls Mini Holland

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