Friday 15 July 2016

Leyton Cricket Ground


This is short update on the following areas.
Survey of local residents
The London Borough of Waltham Forest (LBWF) is developing a bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund to improve the facilities at LSG. As part of assembling this bid, LBWF has commissioned Kaizen to carry out consultations with local people.
There is a link below to a short survey from Kaizen. If you are a local resident, it would be really useful if you could complete this survey so we know what you think about LSG and how it can be improved. The survey is now open and it will close at 23.59 on Sunday, 17 July 2016; it will take 5-7 minutes to complete.
130th anniversary celebrations and festival of sport
I referred to proposals to hold this event in the June residents’ update. I confirm that this will take place on Sunday, 4 September 2016. Further information on this event will follow.
New LSG boundary along Brewster Road and part Crawley Road E10
LBWF hopes this work will start in late July 2016 and be completed in September 2016.
Change of staff
Florence Andrews (former Heritage Programme Manager) has left LBWF and Paddy McNulty has been appointed as the Interim Heritage Programme Manager.
If you want any further information or would like to make any comments, please get in touch.

Pete Towler                                                                                                             Chair of Leyton Sports Ground Management Committee                                                                                                    (0208 558 4748)

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