This open space will be built on if we don't stop Capital and Regional from developing the shopping centre.
The Mall Corporation
Capital and Regional
Sunday, 28 August 2016
Friday, 26 August 2016
Walthamstow Town Centre battle
Over 1,000 names have been collected on the petition to stop the Mall Corporation expanding the shopping centre on to the open space and building a 27 storey tower block on the site. It is interesting when collecting the signatures that 50% of people just walk past oblivious to our urgings, but the other 50% have been appalled that the council can be contemplating such an awful development. Only a couple of people have refused to sign because they want it! The next stage of the battle is a meeting with Cllr. Clare Coghill, Portfolio Lead Member for Economic Growth and High Streets - watch this space!
Not a Model Development
The Cabinet Report that tries to justify it:
Meeting / Date Cabinet/ 21 July
Report Title Walthamstow Town Centre Regeneration and
development of The Mall shopping centre
Cabinet Portfolio Councillor Coghill,
Portfolio Lead Member for
Economic Growth and
High Streets
Report Author/
Contact details
Lucy Shomali, Acting Director Regeneration and Growth
Regeneration and Growth
Marina Dimopoulou Assistant Director Asset Management
and Delivery
Wards affected Hoe Street and High Street
Public Access OPEN
Appendices Appendix 1 – EqIA
Appendix 2 – Sustainability Matrix
1.1 Capital and Regional have approached the Council regarding their
potential plans to redevelop the Mall shopping centre by building above
the existing shopping centre and extending the shopping centre on to
part of the Town Square and gardens the freehold of which is owned
by the Council. Due to the potential financial value of any variation to
the existing lease agreement for The Mall and the significant
regenerative impact any extension will have on the Borough’s main
town centre and the local community this report is being presented to
1.2 This reports seeks an in principle agreement to progress commercial
negotiations with Capital and Regional (the owners of The Mall) in
relation to their aspirations to redevelop the Mall. The report also sets
out the high level proposals for the redevelopment of The Mall and the
regeneration impacts such proposals will deliver to Walthamstow Town
1.3 Further decisions regarding the commercial arrangements and
planning permission will return to Cabinet, Planning Committee and be
delegated to appropriate officers as the project progresses.
2.1 Cabinet is recommended to:
2.1.1 Note the opportunity and proposals to redevelop the Mall shopping
2.1.2 Agree to officers progressing commercial negotiations with Capital and
Regional regarding proposals of the redevelopment of the Mall and the
existing lease interest.
3.1 The Mall is a shopping centre currently with circa 55 retailers located in
Walthamstow Town Centre, adjacent to the High Street and Town
Square and Gardens. It is owned by Capital & Regional under a long
leasehold interest which was granted by the Council, freeholder of the
land on 24 June 1988 for a term of ninety nine (99) years.
3.2 Capital and Regional have approached the Council regarding its
aspirations to build above the existing shopping centre’s footprint and
extend the shopping centre on to part of the Town Square and
Gardens to provide additional and larger retail units to meet the
requirements of future tenants and provide an enhanced shopping offer
within the town centre. Under the terms of the Lease, consent is
required from the Council (as Landlord) before Capital & Regional can
proceed with the redevelopment. Permission as land-owner of the
adjoining Town Square and Gardens is also required from the Council
for any extensions into this piece of land.
3.3 To date, the Council has led the regeneration of Walthamstow Town
Centre, investing in the physical appearance of the town centre and
attracting private sector investment. Examples of successful schemes
include the leisure and housing development at The Scene, Cleveland
Place and The Solum Travelodge and residential development by
Walthamstow Central Station. The success of this investment has
resulted in continued investor interest in Walthamstow. The Mall’s
location by the Bus and Train/ Underground station makes it potentially
a prime site for additional residential development and retail. Capital
and Regional are considering proposals which include circa 300
residential units developed above the existing shopping centre as well
as an extension on part of the Town Square and Gardens which are
owned by the Council.
3.4 The principle of building residential units above and extending the Mall
on to Town Square and Gardens was is considered in the
Walthamstow Area Action Plan (AAP) (pages 107-113 in particular)
which was adopted as a Development Plan document by Full Council
on 16th October 2014.
3.5 Capital & Regional are proposing a scheme that will deliver:
Exemplar design quality delivered to the standard of the best
schemes in central London;
A prestigious public realm in and around the Town Square
through a quality of design and use of high spec materials which
will deliver a public open space which provides for a range of
activities and uses;
A high quality housing offer appropriate for a town setting;
A scheme that meets and fulfils the planning gain requirements
A high quality mix of retail within the commercial element of the
development which enhances the quality of the offer in the
existing shopping centre and wider town centre.
3.6 The current development proposals are expected to have a significant
regenerative impact on Walthamstow and the Borough’s growth
ambitions more widely. It is anticipated that the potential provision of
circa 300 new homes into the town centre will positively impact on the
levels of footfall and therefore spend within the town centre to the
benefit many locally owned businesses. In addition, by bringing in high
quality retailers and other town centre uses, the redevelopment of the
Mall will enhance and improve the offer of the town centre, thereby
attracting further visitors and spend into the area.
3.7 Commercial negotiations are at an early stage however the terms of
any agreement or variation of the Lease with Capital & Regional will
require approval from Cabinet and will fulfil the criteria of Section 123 of
the Local Government Act 1972, which requires the Council to get best
consideration for the sale/ lease of any Council owned land.
4.1 This report is seeking approval to progress commercial negotiations
with Capital and Regional. Pre-application Planning meetings are also
underway. No specific options are being considered at this stage and
these will be set out in a future Cabinet report.
4.2 There is the option to not progress with the redevelopment of the Mall.
However this is not recommended as it would have a negative impact
on the future vitality and sustainability of Walthamstow Town centre.
Investment in the Mall shopping centre is required to ensure that
Walthamstow attracts the retailers that the local community wish to see
in the town centre. To not progress discussions in relation to Capital &
Regional’s proposals would counter the Council’s regeneration and
growth priorities.
5.1 The redevelopment of The Mall will meet three of the key objectives of
the Sustainable Communities Strategy.
5.1.1 Managing Population growth and Change – the development of
additional housing above the centre, especially in this very accessible
location will assist the borough in meeting its requirement for additional
5.1.2 Creating Wealth – the provision of additional retail space will enable
higher quality retailers to locate in the town centre, thereby increasing
footfall and benefiting locally-owned businesses in the town centre.
Additional residents in the town centre will also bring new and
increased spending capacity into the town centre for the benefit of
5.1.3 Retaining wealth in the Borough – by providing space for new, highquality
retailers and new homes we will not only attract new visitors and
residents to the borough but we will retain our existing residents spend
within the borough to the benefit of all businesses.
6.1 As stated at paragraph 4.1 the proposals are at the early stages of
developing this proposal. The Council, as landowner, plan to
undertake a joint consultation with Capital and Regional in September
to present the proposals to the public ahead of any planning application
submission. There will be consultation on the scheme through the
usual planning processes in due course.
7.1 Finance, Value for Money and Risk
7.1.1 The terms of any agreement or variation of the existing interest with
Capital & Regional will require further approval from Cabinet and will
fulfil the criteria of S.123 of the Local Government Act 1972. In the
interim, Capital & Regional will be responsible for the Council's legal &
surveying costs.
7.2 Legal
7.2.1 The Council has under Section (1) of the Localism Act 2011 the power
to do anything that individuals may generally do (the general power of
competence). The Council also has the power under section 111 of the
Local Government Act 1972 to do anything which is calculated to
facilitate or is conducive or incidental to the discharge of any of its
7.2.2 The Council also has the power under Section 111 of the Local
Government Act 1972 to do anything which is calculated to facilitate or
is conducive or incidental to the discharge of any of its functions.
7.3 Equalities and Diversity
7.3.1 This project is at the early stages of development. The impacts as
currently known have been assessed. In the main there are positive
implications as key concerns, such as employment, fear of crime and
safety and creating a sustainable town centre will be positively
impacted as a result of these proposals. Potential future equality and
diversity issues will be addressed through the planning process as the
scheme develops and be subject to further equality analysis where
7.4 Sustainability (including climate change, health, crime and
7.4.1 It is very early in the project to be able to identify specific impacts on
environmental sustainability. However as the project develops through
the planning process the opportunities to address sustainability issues
will be explored further. Mitigation measures will need to be put in
place through the planning process to address the results of
intensification; however there are opportunities to promote
sustainability measures such as reducing energy and water
consumption, use of public transport and recycling with new users and
visitors to the centre.
7.4.2 Economic sustainability can be achieved by creating a destination
where people want to visit, live and work. The improved offer and
additional housing increases footfall and spend, and in turn draws
further investment opportunities into the area. Opportunities for local
businesses as a result in the increase footfall and spend will add to the
economic sustainability of the programme.
7.4.3 Social sustainability can be achieved through improved place making
where people want visit and stay longer in the area as the places feel
more welcoming and issues of crime and safety are addressed.
7.5 Council Infrastructure
7.5.1 This Project is currently resourced from existing resources.
BACKGROUND INFORMATION (as defined by Local Government
(Access to Information) Act 1985)
The Walthamstow Area Action Plan
Economic Growth Strategy
See the Cabinet's Growth Strategy on Page 165
Economic Growth Strategy
Walthamstow Town Centre proposals
Waltham Forest Culture Map
Car Wash by Ice Centre
Use the above link to reach the planning applications and insert 160334 to see the detail of the Morina Car Wash application.
Dear Councillors
I have submitted this objection to Waltham Forest Planning today. Apologies for the length of it.
But here is a quick summary of my main points of objection (categories based on the criteria listed on WF's planning objection guidance):
1. Visual appearance gaudy, commercial - inappropriate for protected Marshland, and definitely designed to attract more cars on Lea Bridge Road.
2. Traffic generation - claims that the car wash will not attract more traffic, and that there will be no extra car parking are debunked. Evidence cited from car wash business guidance. Reminder of two new schools destined for land opposite.
3. Noise, smells, disturbance resulting from use - operating hours worry in light of quoted twelve employees, business imperative raised again. Objection to queues of cars with engines running. Noise of high pressure sprays.
4. Effect on conservation areas - heavy criticism of applicant and LVRPA for starting to operate car wash before planning permission process completed. Quotation from Car Wash Association - a body that seems to look down on the hand car wash operations because of their lack of investment in preventing water pollution. Challenged the disposal of contaminated effluent direct into the existing drain systems. Provided quotation from the survey done prior to the Olympic basketball complex which gives chapter and verse of what Porters Field consists of - a landfill site on a flood plain, with a high water table, and adjacent to a watercourse. Challenged the lack of reference to proximity to Walthamstow SSSI and being part of land that is a buffer for that. Pointed up failure to recognise trees and hedges as part of immediate environment.
5. Relevant planning policies - said that Essex Wharf now completes WF residence-led mixed use plans for that area, and LVRPA should only be providing leisure etc etc. Quoted Sections of the LVRP Act to point up how they are acting beyond powers.
Many thanks to Save Lea Marshes, whose blog provides even more objections, and well done to them, since they got LVRPA to close the car wash operation down while the planning process is still underway.
I hope that as Councillors, you will also consider objecting to a car wash operation in Lea Bridge Road. Lea Bridge Road is part of the "green lung" of north-east London, not an urban high road.
Many thanks for reading,
Claire Weiss
News From Nowhere Club Gala Evening
Saturday September 10th 2016
**** GALA Evening****!!
21st birthday
of the
News from Nowhere Club
All past speakers invited. Food & drink in plenty. Exhibition of 21 years of the Club. Screening of ‘Alfred Hitchcock in East London’ film by Bill Hodgson. Update on setting up local Hitchcock Museum. Readings from ‘News from Nowhere’ utopia by William Morris. Singing of Leon Rosselson’s song ‘Bringing the News from Nowhere.’
7.30 pm
Epicentre, West Street E11 4LJ
FREE entry - raffle – enquiries 0208 555 5248 – all welcome
!! Monday!! September 12th 2016
An evening with Iain Sinclair:
‘I take a walk every morning…’
Speaker: Iain Sinclair
Hackney resident, poet, film maker, essayist, award winning novelist, psychogeographer, ‘avant gardeist’ influenced by the Beat generation… Iain’s prolific, unusual life as a writer, observer and social critic will be the subject of tonight’s special event. You might like to read one or two of his works before the meeting to get the measure of his style. He will tell us what his life is like and answer your questions! The Newham Bookshop will be with us with copies of Iain’s books.
7.30 for 8pm
FREE entry – raffle – all welcome
at Epicentre, West Street E11
Enquiries 0208 555 5248
Please note: I do not look at emails all the time, so if urgent, please phone me on 0208 555 5248.
Also, occasionally emails do not reach me. so please phone if I have not responded within a few days.
Waltham Forest Libraries future
From Stella Creasy MP's Newsletter
The Future of Walthamstow's Libraries: Wood Street and Higham Hill Response from Waltham Forest Council
A number of residents have been in touch with me regarding reports circulating online about possible closures to local libraries. I have asked Waltham Forest Council about this and received the following response:
"I can reassure you that Waltham Forest Council have no plans to stop providing a library service in the Wood Street area of the borough. The Council is committed to continuing to fund eight libraries in the borough, of which one serves the Wood Street area. What the Council is proposing to do is consult with residents and other stakeholders on a proposal to relocate both Higham Hill and Wood Street libraries to more modern and accessible locations in the locality where it will be possible to provide better and more flexible services in more economic premises. In the case of Wood Street, the Council will be consulting on moving the library service from the current library to a new building providing retail, other public services and residential accommodation on Marlowe Road.
[...] The Council is committed to providing at least as good services from the new location as from the current library. This would include hosting the reading group and other activities for people of all ages and abilities including ensuring the new library is better for people with disabilities, but in a modern building that can adapt more easily to changing demands than can the current library.
The Council is about to launch an eight week consultation in which it will meet with local people to outline what is proposed and to hear views on these proposals as well as asking for people to respond to a survey. Details of meetings and the survey will be promoted in the library and on the Council's website. The Council is committed to all residents still living within 1.5 miles of a Library Local e.g. in the Wood Street area"
As and when I have further details of this consultation I will circulate these- if you are interested in this issue please do contact your local Councillors to let them know your views.
"I can reassure you that Waltham Forest Council have no plans to stop providing a library service in the Wood Street area of the borough. The Council is committed to continuing to fund eight libraries in the borough, of which one serves the Wood Street area. What the Council is proposing to do is consult with residents and other stakeholders on a proposal to relocate both Higham Hill and Wood Street libraries to more modern and accessible locations in the locality where it will be possible to provide better and more flexible services in more economic premises. In the case of Wood Street, the Council will be consulting on moving the library service from the current library to a new building providing retail, other public services and residential accommodation on Marlowe Road.
[...] The Council is committed to providing at least as good services from the new location as from the current library. This would include hosting the reading group and other activities for people of all ages and abilities including ensuring the new library is better for people with disabilities, but in a modern building that can adapt more easily to changing demands than can the current library.
The Council is about to launch an eight week consultation in which it will meet with local people to outline what is proposed and to hear views on these proposals as well as asking for people to respond to a survey. Details of meetings and the survey will be promoted in the library and on the Council's website. The Council is committed to all residents still living within 1.5 miles of a Library Local e.g. in the Wood Street area"
As and when I have further details of this consultation I will circulate these- if you are interested in this issue please do contact your local Councillors to let them know your views.
Old Station Yard Wood Street
Old Station Yard

Revive Gardening Project- Wood Street 13 September
Do you have Green Fingers? Would you like to learn some gardening skills? Would you like to meet your neighbours? Revive will be running gardening sessions outside Wood Street Medical Centre and hope you will join them to plan, plant and care for new gardens. Everyone is welcome to come and share ideas on the following dates to plan how the garden will look.
The first session is on Tuesday 13th September at Old Station Yard Café, from 2-30pm – 3.30pm.
Then on 4th October there will be a launch day to start gardening between 10am – 3pm. If you are interested in this project please email Naomi and Katherine with your thoughts at:
Come along to the Southbank...
| ||||
How to help refugees
From Stella Creasy MP's Newsletter
Walthamstow Says Welcome: My Pledge to Table Legislation to Safeguard Child Refugees -
How You Can Help!
The Help Refugees census was published this week, revealing a 29% increase in arrivals at the Calais Refugee Camp in the last month. This census also confirmed there are 865 children there, of whom 78% are alone. Yet only 1 in 5 of the refugees at the camps, including these children, are in secure accommodation and there is no provision for children at the camp at all. Despite the Alf Dubs amendment being passed in March 2016 to offer child refugees safety in the UK, not a single child has been resettled to the UK from France, Greece or Italy as yet. The youngest child at the camp currently is 8 years old. Many have family in the UK but for a lack of a process to manage their status are in limbo in this camp.
To change this, this week I have pledged to table legislation to bring these children under UK safeguarding legislation via the Children and Social Work Bill which will come to parliament in the autumn. This provision would also make sure they come to the UK to be assessed to meet our ambition to have no child in these camps by Christmas.
Already several MPs and Lords have said they will support this move- but we need your help to ask friends and family in other areas around the country to ask their MP to support this proposal too. Please share this article on your social media and ask others around the UK to ask their MP to back this call to extend our safeguarding principles to refugee children.
To change this, this week I have pledged to table legislation to bring these children under UK safeguarding legislation via the Children and Social Work Bill which will come to parliament in the autumn. This provision would also make sure they come to the UK to be assessed to meet our ambition to have no child in these camps by Christmas.
Already several MPs and Lords have said they will support this move- but we need your help to ask friends and family in other areas around the country to ask their MP to support this proposal too. Please share this article on your social media and ask others around the UK to ask their MP to back this call to extend our safeguarding principles to refugee children.
The Refugee Mens' Pantalonathon- How, What and Where You Can Donate in E17
Thank you to everyone who has been in touch so far to offer to help with donations for the refugees in Calais and our next Walthamstow action day. We are focusing this time on helping collect clothes for men at the camp, ahead of the autumn. The Help Refugees Warehouse in Calais is desperately short of small and medium mens clothes and is also asking for unused underwear for refugee men or donations of money to purchase underwear for them.
All this coming week 22-26th August you can drop off donations of these items or money towards them at my office at 23 Orford Road between 9.30am and 6pm. Thank you to the Higham Hill Hub who have also offered to collect items via theHomemade Cafe and Patiserie - 311 Higham Hill Rd from 10am to 5pm. Finally, you can also drop off donations via 123 Salop Road by prior appointment. Please email and we will put you in touch with Abigail to arrange delivery. Please do also share the details of where and what to donate these items with other local residents.
All this coming week 22-26th August you can drop off donations of these items or money towards them at my office at 23 Orford Road between 9.30am and 6pm. Thank you to the Higham Hill Hub who have also offered to collect items via theHomemade Cafe and Patiserie - 311 Higham Hill Rd from 10am to 5pm. Finally, you can also drop off donations via 123 Salop Road by prior appointment. Please email and we will put you in touch with Abigail to arrange delivery. Please do also share the details of where and what to donate these items with other local residents.
The Refugee Kitchen volunteers in Walthamstow are also seeking to take 2000 flapjacks to Calais for refugees in the next week as well. They are asking for donations of such bakes with no nuts, cut small, packed with clingfilm or foil between layers and in Tupperware or a clingfilmed box or shoe box. These can be delivered to the Italian Deli on Hoe Street, The Hornbeam Centre at the Bakers Arms or Debbie Bliss's shop on Orford Road 27/28/29/30 August with the cut off 5pm on the 30th to make the Calais visit.
The I Will Tell Film Festival
The I Will Tell Festival of Black Community and Under-Represented Groups Films in Walthamstow Starts Saturday 27 August
The I Will Tell Film Festival is an eleven night international film festival of the stories of the Black community and other under-represented groups around the world. There will be screenings followed by Director Q&As and post-screening discussions with filmmakers, subject matter experts, MPs, Country Ambassadors, local councillors, the police and other community leaders.
The Festival will feature more than 20 films from over 20 countries around the world with visiting international filmmakers and speakers. There are some special events too. The main venues for this festival are the Empire Cinema in Walthamstow and the Elim in Leytonstone. Ticket prices range from free to £15.50 and you can book online to guarantee your place .
The website with the full programme of films is and you can follow the festival on Twitter via @iwilltell or on Facebook at .
The Festival will feature more than 20 films from over 20 countries around the world with visiting international filmmakers and speakers. There are some special events too. The main venues for this festival are the Empire Cinema in Walthamstow and the Elim in Leytonstone. Ticket prices range from free to £15.50 and you can book online to guarantee your place
The website with the full programme of films is and you can follow the festival on Twitter via @iwilltell or on Facebook at
Manual Instruction Centre
Manual Instruction Centre Clean Up Day -
Sunday 4th September
Please join the Friends of The Manual Instruction Centre on Barrett Road in Wood Street for their community clean up day on Sunday 4th September 10am to 4pm. Volunteers are needed to help with weeding, clearing rubbish, tidying, painting and planting. Please wear sensible clothes and footwear and refreshments will be provided. To find out more please follow @E17_MIC or
Leyton Sports Ground
The Leyton Sports Ground Management Committee is working
with Waltham Forest Council to celebrate the 130th anniversary of
the Leyton cricket pavilion and ground (Crawley Road E10 6RJ). This event will
take place on 4 September 2016 between 12 noon and 6pm.
on offer?
The Council has arranged a number of family-friendly
sports themed activities for you to try. This includes cricket and boxing taster
sessions that are suitable for all ages.
There will also be a display in the pavilion’s long room covering
the history of cricket at Leyton and some of the sports currently provided at
LSG. You will be able to find out more about the sports opportunities available
at LSG and give us your feedback. Light refreshments will be provided.
So please come along and celebrate this important anniversary with
us and help build community interest and support for this historic ground!
If you want any further information, please get in touch.
Chair of Leyton
Sports Ground Management Committee
( and 0208 558 4748)
Saturday, 20 August 2016
Campaign to reopen closed roads
Too many bikes in Holland
Resources should go north
Low Emission Delivery Services
New London Awards
Greenleaf Road
Crooked Billet Air Pollution
Mini Holland boss
Here is a brief assessment based on the council's web site as to how the MH project is progressing:
Lea Bridge Road - Last update March 2016 says work is to start on Whipps Cross Roundabout. Clearly behind schedule.
Work will start on LBR in July 2015 and finish in March 2017. As far as I can ascertain the only part of the £10m project nearing completion is the bit by the Ice Rink! Even this will have to be changed if planning permission is given for the two new schools opposite. Only 7 months left to complete the most difficult part of MH!
Wood Street - Dec 2015 to Jul 2016. Pedestrian crossing opposite Buck Walk just completed.
Forest Road - Construction from Mar 2016 to March 2017. The part for the Walthamstow Wetlands is well underway but it is not obvious why it has taken so long considering all that was needed was a pedestrian crossing to safely cross to the Ferry Boat Inn for a refreshing drink after exploring the wetlands! Various Copenhagen crossings have been installed along the road.
Markhouse Road - Results are being collated and the next steps will be announced in May 2016. Oh well this really is behind their schedule!
Barrett Road E17 - now closed at the junction with Brooke Road.
Campaign to reopen closed roads
Too many bikes in Holland
Resources should go north
Low Emission Delivery Services
New London Awards
Greenleaf Road
Crooked Billet Air Pollution
Mini Holland boss
Here is a brief assessment based on the council's web site as to how the MH project is progressing:
Lea Bridge Road - Last update March 2016 says work is to start on Whipps Cross Roundabout. Clearly behind schedule.
Work will start on LBR in July 2015 and finish in March 2017. As far as I can ascertain the only part of the £10m project nearing completion is the bit by the Ice Rink! Even this will have to be changed if planning permission is given for the two new schools opposite. Only 7 months left to complete the most difficult part of MH!
Wood Street - Dec 2015 to Jul 2016. Pedestrian crossing opposite Buck Walk just completed.
Forest Road - Construction from Mar 2016 to March 2017. The part for the Walthamstow Wetlands is well underway but it is not obvious why it has taken so long considering all that was needed was a pedestrian crossing to safely cross to the Ferry Boat Inn for a refreshing drink after exploring the wetlands! Various Copenhagen crossings have been installed along the road.
Markhouse Road - Results are being collated and the next steps will be announced in May 2016. Oh well this really is behind their schedule!
Barrett Road E17 - now closed at the junction with Brooke Road.
Oriental Chestnut Gall Wasp
Oriental Chestnut Gall Wasp
I’m writing to give you an update on Oriental Chestnut Gall Wasp (OCGW). It has recently been found in a number of locations in and around London, indicated by the attached map.The impact of OCGW on Sweet chestnut in this country is low. People should also be reassured that the wasp does not pose a human or animal health risk, as it doesn’t bite or sting.For more detailed information on OCGW – life cycle, symptoms, impact etc – please refer to the Forestry Commission website: . Our advice is to:- Familiarise yourself with OCGW so you can identify it- Report findings via the Tree Alert webpage - Avoid moving infested foliage material from sites to prevent the risk of spread of the waspIf after reviewing the FC website you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me. This Autumn we are looking to run an awareness event so landowners and managers can familiarise themselves with the symptoms – I will update you on this and any OCGW developments in due course.Kind regardsCraig_______________________________________________________ Craig Harrison FICFor BSc(hons) Dip MntForestry Commission London Manager( 07990 563001+ Area 1C Nobel House, 17 Smith Square, London SW1P 3JR
Friday, 19 August 2016
Opposition grows to Town Centre plans
If you don't want a 27 storey tower block in Walthamstow Town centre and a loss of most of the open space come and sign the petition against this ridiculous plan. Signing will be in the open space.
Saturday 20th August 15.30 to 17.50
Tuesday 23rd August 10 to 12
Town Centre Developments
Saturday 20th August 15.30 to 17.50
Tuesday 23rd August 10 to 12
Town Centre Developments
Woodhouse Players
To: WoodhousePlayers Membership < >

The Woodhouse Players present 'Up and Under' by John Godber - 2nd, 3rd, 9th and 10th September 2016.
"Here on the very playing fields of Castleford your eyes will gaze in awe at splendid sights unseen.....for here, upon this very stage, we see amateur Rugby League, a game of rebellion, born of divide in 1895. For the working class of the North, for the working class"
Up 'n' Under follows the story of an inept pub team from the Wheatsheaf Arms who play in 7 a-side league in the Hull area. Ex-pro Arthur's only passions in life are his wife and rugby league. When he bumps into his nemesis Reg, he is goaded into betting his life savings that he can train any team to beat the unstoppable gods of amateur rugby league - The Cobblers Arms. However, the 'Wheatsheaf Arms' can usually only muster a side of four. These guys are to Rugby League what Eddie The Eagle is to ski-jumping. Song, laughter, banter and live rugby on stage - come join our intrepid heroes as they struggle through adversity. Up 'n' Under is a comedy by John Godber, first staged at the Hull Truck Theatre in 1984. It won The Laurence Olivier Award for Best New Comedy that same year. Not suitable for younger children. Mild sexual references and bad language.
Performance dates:
Performances are at the Welsh Church Hall, 881 Leytonstone High Road E11 1HR:
- Friday 2nd September at 8 pm
- Saturday 3rd September at 2:30 pm and 8 pm
- Friday 9th September at 8 pm
- Saturday 10th September at 2:30 pm (BSL-signed) and 8 pm
Ticket prices:
Advance booking (email/online/phone): £8 (£5 concessions)
Pay on door (unbooked): £9 (£6 concessions)
Book online via the website www.woodhouseplayers.c
Phone/email reservations 020 8504 3872/ tickets@woodhouseplayers
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