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London's Traffic the worst
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From Stella Creasy MP's Newsletter
BreathE17 Campaign: Anti-Idling Cars Council Workshop
In the coming year tackling the quality of air in our local community is a key campaigning priority for both myself and the local council. One action the Council is seeking to address to improve the quality of air in our area is the habit of idling in stationary vehicles, often outside schools. They have recently adopted anti-idling legislation and council officers will be issuing Fixed Penalty Notices to those who fail to comply. However, alongside enforcement action where necessary, they want to work with local residents to provide greater awareness of air quality issues and to influence a change in behaviours. They are therefore keen to engage the help of local volunteer residents to work on an anti-idling initiative that is being rolled out over the coming weeks.
The Council is planning to run a training workshop on Tuesday 6th December at 7pm to brief volunteers in preparation for targeted action days in key areas outside of schools working alongside our neighbourhood officers. The workshop will take place in rooms 2/2A of the Town Hall. If you would like to be part of this work please RSVP to Cllr Clyde Loakes on cllr.clyde.loakes@walthamforest.gov.uk .
From LCRN:
Two-wheel Takeover: Bikes Outnumber Cars for the First Time in Copenhagen
Copenhagen has reached a milestone in its journey to become a cycling city – there are now more bikes than cars on the streets. Can other cities follow? In 2015, 35,080 more bikes have joined the daily roll, bringing the total number to 265,700, compared with 252,600 cars. In London, figures show the gap between bike and car use is getting narrower. Data from Transport for Londonsuggests the number of commuters travelling through the heart of the city during rush hour could soon exceed the number of vehicles on the streets. The number of cars entering the city during the morning peak hours fell from 86,000 to 64,000 between 2004 and 2014, while bikes rose from 14,000 to 36,000. That’s two cars for every bike – and if trends continue, more people will be cycling than driving into central London during the morning rush hour in 2019. But London’s cycling infrastructure needs to catch up... read more from The Guardian