Friday 20 January 2017

Is the Green Belt under threat?

Dear Lea Valley Federation

I hope you will forgive my cold calling you by email but in the circumstances; perhaps you will forgive me.

Is your local Green Belt under threat from over-zealous housing targets driven by the Government's National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and imposed upon your Local Authority?  Do you feel unable to stop your local Green Belt boundaries being moved by your Local Authority to meet these targets?  Other threats to your local Green Belt?  Then please sign the petition at:

Started by us, a local action group in Essex, but with the intention of protecting equally all 14 English Green Belts.  We are trying to contact residents’ groups in all Green Belts countrywide and all supporters of open countryside to rally mutual support.  The wording of the petition is self-explanatory and there is a link to our website which has the evidence base in support of the petition.

We would ask you to kindly spread the word to your group’s supporters/members and encourage them to not only sign it but promote it via Facebook, Twitter, Streetlife, email, websites and other social media to their friends; relations; neighbours; colleagues and contacts wherever they may live.  In eight days we have rallied over 700 signatures.  Please help to boost our total.  As soon as we reach a critical number; we can deliver the petition to Mr Javid to demonstrate the country’s strength of feeling for our Green Belt and the way this Government is letting us down by allowing the Planning Inspectorate to approve Local Plans against the intention of the NPPF and many Ministerial statements.  We are seeking an urgent policy instruction so there is no time to lose. 

If you are not able to promote our petition; please do forward this email to any group that you are aware of who may be able to help.  Thank you for your support.  Apart we can make a noise; together we can make a difference.  Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or suggestions.

Mrs Diane Gillespie
Vice Chair
Theydon Bois Action Group
Protecting the Village of Theydon Bois
Follow @TBActionGroup on Twitter

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