Friday 5 May 2017

Great Millish Bake Off

Hi Adrian,

I’m holding a fund raising event for the Mill in Walthamstow. It used to be a library but when it closed down was taken over as a Community centre and is mainly volunteer run. It’s very active with loads going on for every age, nationality and ability. Of course, it always needs money so I’ve volunteered to help.

The event is called the “Great MILLish Bakeoff” and involves lots of cake related things. You don’t need to make a cake but it you feel so inclined there’s a competition judged by local bakers. Otherwise just come and eat some.

There are also lots of games and children would have a great time. There’s a ‘decorate your own cupcake activity’, a cake drawing competition, tombola, raffle and much more.

I’d love it if you could come and bring people with you. Better still if you could volunteer to help for an hour or two.

I attach a poster if you could put it somewhere, a map and handouts. 

Thanks so much.     Jean

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