Friday 16 June 2017

Town Centre to be wrecked

Apparently the plans will be on display in the Mall 

Central Library  3rd July 1pm to 3pm and 6th July 5pm to 7pm

Story from Walthamstow Echo

Planning Application 171355
45 Selbourne Road E17 7JR
The council received this on the 4th April and have only just put it on the Planning site.

The plan is to :
Extend the retail area
Provide up to 502 flats over the top of the Mall with a 49m high block (29 storeys)
Rework what is left of the Town Centre

In typical Waltham Forest fashion the planning web site cannot cope with this application and most of the important documents are missing so I have been unable to find any drawings or details of how they think they can build this without bringing the centre of Walthamstow grinding to a halt.

Make sure you object. Imagine what would happen if a fire broke out above the shopping centre!

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