Monday 27 July 2020


Below are links to the planning policies which will decide the future of the Homebase development. It is a very complex world, not helped by the London Plan which is being evolved, and the new one is still in Draft form and the Government won't sign it off, so further changes can be expected.

Its these policies that the Planners should be scrutinising the Inland Homes planning application against.

Draft London Plan Chapter 3

Extract from P.67 of Chapter 3

D8 Tall buildings have a role to play in helping London accommodate its expected growth as
well as supporting legibility across the city to enable people to navigate to key destinations.
To ensure tall buildings are sustainably developed in appropriate locations, and are of the
required design quality, Development Plans and development proposals must undertake the

PHV.3.125 D8 A Definition
A Based on local context, Development Plans should define what is considered a tall
building for specific localities, the height of which will may vary between and
within different parts of London.

PHV.3.126 D8 B Tall building Locations
B 1) Boroughs should determine if there are locations where tall buildings may
be an appropriate form of development, subject to meeting the other
requirements of the Plan. This process should include engagement with neighbouring boroughs that may be affected by tall building developments in identified locations. 2) Any such locations and appropriate tall building heights should be identified on maps in Development Plans. 3) Tall buildings should only be developed in sustainable locations that are identified in Development Plans.

part of a plan-led approach to changing or developing an area. By following the processes required in parts A, B and C of Policy D2 Delivering good design bBoroughs should determine if there are locations where tall buildings may be an appropriate form of development, subject to meeting the other requirements of the Plan

Waltham Forest Local Plan

Building on its village feel, Wood Street will become an increasingly attractive destination, serving its growing local population with a diverse range of independent shops and a varied food, beverage and cultural offer.

Wood Street Area Plan

Developed in 2013.

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