Tuesday 9 February 2021

The Mall - Town Centre Update 10


LBWF have approved the Town Centre plans so the next stage is to raise objections with the Mayor/GLA.


Send your objections to:
Town Centre: scott.schimanski@london.gov.uk
Station: gavin.mclaughlin@tfl.gov.uk
Jennette Arnold GLA Cllr: jennette.arnold@london.gov.uk

The main objections are below:


We understand that £14.6m has been ring fenced by TfL for the new entrance to Walthamstow Station. Is this just for constructing the concrete box to house the station or is it to fit out as well? We understand that the station box has to be completed by 2025 otherwise it will not be able to be constructed due to the works on the shopping Mall - is this correct?

Station Box


We are to lose most of the usable open space in Walthamstow Town Centre due to expansion of the Mall. How does this comply with the London Plan policies GG2 and GG3 which are about improved access to and quality of green spaces? What is the point of these policies when they are so blatantly ignored? An extra 538 flats are to be built as well as a new station entrance significantly increasing the footfall in the Town Square, but you are allowing the open space to be removed. It makes no sense in planning terms only in revenue raising terms.


You are going to allow a 34 and 26 storey blocks to be built over 5 or more years, adjacent to the Victoria line tracks, to save costs using an off site modular construction process barely tried and tested, before the Grenfell Inquiry is complete and the building regulations revised. Is this not a risk too far which could seriously damage Walthamstow’s economy? The scheme was conceived over 10 years ago and ignores the lessons of the pandemic, Grenfell and the NHS Care in the Community plans.


Walthamstow’s street market pre Covid was very busy and created congestion in the High Street. Allowing 538 new flats, a new station entrance, a reduction of 32% in the open space, expansion of the Mall shopping centre and a 5 year construction period can only congest the area further – how can you justify this damage to Walthamstow’s thriving Town Centre?


Is there enough experience of building 34 storey buildings off site and bringing them on site and bolting together. Is the fire risk less than conventional construction techniques? How many lorry movements will be needed to bring on site 538 flats? How many parts will be needed for each flat?

Off Site Techniques

How China does it

5 biggest Modular Buildings in the World (2018)

Selborne Park

Previous Updates

Loss of Open Space

Time to save Kingston and London from the "London" Plan

Caroline Shah
Kingston upon Thames, ENG, United Kingdom

26 JAN 2021 — 

Dear everyone

I hope that you are all keeping well.

Please read about the challenge I hope to bring against the London Plan, which is already leading developers to apply for permission for high-rise, dense and out-of-character developments, with little or no extra green space, across Kingston and throughout London.

I have already received advice from Marc Willers QC that there are grounds for challenging the London Plan on its heritage policies.

In addition, I have been investigating a possible case based on flawed processes for public consultation; conclusions that development will not harm Richmond Park and other protected habitats that can be undermined by expert opinion and scientific evidence; the Mayor's plans for Kingston, especially in relation to the designation of the Borough as an "opportunity area"; and the plan's open spaces policies.

I am seeking advice to confirm that there are legal grounds for each area I have identified.

The London Plan is due to be published very shortly and we will then have only six weeks to mount a possible legal challenge.

Please support me in any way you can. The more people who know about the London Plan, and the need to stop it if it is legally flawed, the better.

Kind regards


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