Saturday 8 February 2014

Oasis all dried up!

Oasis Free School Withdrawn: Update 
Regular readers of this e-newsletter will be familiar with the application by the Walthamstow Parents Group and Oasis Schools chain to set up a Secondary Free School in Walthamstow which was approved by the Secreary of State last year. This week I received notification from the Department for Education that recent admissions data now indicates that additional secondary provision is not required within Walthamstow until September 2018. The proposers of this school have therefore, in consultation with the local authority, decided to withdraw their application and so it will no longer be going ahead. This is the only information I have to date on this application but if and when I receive details on this or any other Free School application for Walthamstow I will share this via this e-newsletter service. 

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