Tuesday 20 October 2015

97 Lea Bridge Road development

97 Lea Bridge Road

Dear Lea Bridge Ward Councillors

Please see the attached information "Consultation Flyer" which has been sent to me from a friend via The Mill E17. In a mere four days time there will be a six-hour "consultation" (details in the title of this email) on the proposed significant redevelopment of the Burwell Estate industrial land adjacent to Lea Bridge Station and Leyton Marsh. The picture on the flyer shows high-rise tower blocks, looking not unlike those on the recently demolished Oliver Close or Beaumont Estates.

I am highlighting this aspect of the proposed development in order to flag up that:
there may be a wide range of views about the character of the buildings.

And the immediate purpose for writing is to express my deep dissatisfaction at:
the lack of grasp of community engagement by the Council's consultants - apparently named JLL
 - viz:
  • The notice for such an event is inadequate
  • The time allocated for the display of the information is insufficient
  • The means by which this has been circulated to residents and the public is unacceptable.
It is regrettable that even within our Lea Bridge Ward, the Council seems to have no will to improve its community engagement performance: you may recall the tremendous dissatisfaction over the shallow, flawed "consultation" prior to the construction of the Essex Wharf flats further across the Lea Valley.

I strongly request you ensure that more opportunities will be given to residents and others (eg anyone interested in protecting the open spaces of the Marshes) to find out the details of the proposed development prior to consideration by the Council. This could be:

  • by emailing those who attend the Ward Forum regularly
  • by using social media
There is a Council Democracy Department that should be supporting this, and I would ask you as full-time paid Councillors to ensure that you actively communicate with residents and the public well before major developments such as this, and seek to obtain meaningful consultation periods.

Thank you for your kind consideration,

Best regards,

Claire Weiss
E10 7AR.

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