Saturday 17 October 2015

Mini Holland 17-10-15

Mini Holland

Stop Mini Holland

From Stella Creasy M.P. Newsletter:

Mini Holland: 6 Month Review?
Last week saw the celebration of the first stage of the Mini-Holland project launching in Wathamstow village, on Orford Road. This is an innovative project about making Walthamstow more cycle friendly which has now become the source of much local controversy and frustration for all concerned.The scheme is being funded by the Mayor of London and implemented by Waltham Forest Council - as such the Council has been clear that decisions about the scheme and the road closures involved are for their purview alone and not parliament. 
At this event there was a large protest from local residents who object to the scheme and the changes that have now been implemented. So too in recent weeks I have received reports of individuals being attacked, both on and offline, by those who are 'pro' and 'anti' the project. I also continue to recieve a large volume of correspondence about the scheme and its details, and requests from residents to intervene in this scheme, despite having no formal power to do so.  Judging by my inbox, for many residents it is the programme of road closures in Walthamstow and whether these are effective which is the main source of debate rather than the intention to support cycling per se. So too, some have commented these closures are in contrast to the plans in other parts of Waltham Forest which feature new road layouts to slow traffic down or the introduction of one way systems and cycle lanes and so wish to propose these measures for Walthamstow as an alternative format for this scheme.  Furthermore, plans are being formalised for Mini Holland to be extended around the Markhouse area, along Lea Bridge Road and in the Blackhorse Lane area which are also causing comment.  
At the start of this process I was told by the local authority that there would be a six month review of the scheme in the Walthamstow village area - I understand that there is now some confusion as to whether this is the case and so am seeking clarification from the Council as to whether this has now been abandoned or if it hasn't when this will be and how residents can take part. I would also encourage residents who have feedback about this scheme to ensure their local councillors are aware, and where appropriate provide suggestions for alternative routes to help aid discussion of the future of the project, as they are decision makers with direct influence over this scheme. If you require your councillors contact details please let me know or you can find these here. You can also contact the Mini Holland team online using this form
I have previously raised concerns with the Council about the implementation of this scheme and will also be writing to the council again this week with an update on the correspondence I have received to ask them to respond to the residents in question. As soon as I have clarification as to the review process I will update residents via this e-newsletter. 

Is this really what need or want?

What about everyone else?

Community spirit is disintegrating

Forest Road survey results

How wrong can you be!

Now the turn of Billet Road

Village becoming isolated

Highams Park fights back

London cycling Show report

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