Saturday 24 October 2015

Have you registered to vote?


Six Weeks to Save Walthamstow's Voice in Parliament! Join our Voter Registration Campaign with your Ipad! 
In 2014 the Government changed the rules for voter registration. This means unless you have personally registered to vote yourself, you may not be on the electoral register after December 1 2015. In Walthamstow nearly 5,000 households could be affected. If the number of people on the electoral register falls then Walthamstow may lose its direct voice in parliament in the coming review of parliamentary constituencies. This will mean less of a say for people here in how laws are made.

So too, in May 2016 there will be an election across London for our next Mayor to replace Boris Johnson. Make sure you are registered so you can have your say on who runs our city! Finally, registering to vote can also help improve your credit rating. 63% of those not on the electoral roll have been turned down for credit. If you are not registered you cannot get an ‘excellent’ credit rating. A good credit score can help lower your insurance premiums or mean getting a better deal on a new phone.

You can register online now using this link or you can call 020 7271 0500 (you will need your national insurance number) . If you would like to join our campaign to get more people in Walthamstow registered by December 1 2015 to help save Walthamstow's voice in national decision making please reply to this email. Please note in particular we are seeking people who can take part who have an Ipad or tablet to enable them to assist residents with how to register online. 

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