Dear Comrade,With the publication of the Chilcot Report due on July 6th, there is no better time to see 'We Are Many'.'We Are Many' tells the remarkable story of the biggest protest in history, and how it changed the world. Eight years in the making, filmed in seven countries, and including interviews with John Le Carre, Damon Albarn, Brian Eno, Danny Glover, Mark Rylance, Richard Branson, Hans Blix and Ken Loach amongst others, it charts the birth and rise of the people power movements that are now sweeping the world, all through the prism of one extraordinary day.Screenings are taking place across the country throughout July so please show your support and book your tickets now! The details of the London - Hackney Picture & the Ritzy - Brixton,screenings are:Hackney Picturehouse : Monday 18th July 2016 - The Electric Cinema: There is also a Facebook event: Ritzy Cinema - Brixton - Monday 18th Jul 2016 - 088Finally important note - please bear in mind if we don't sell the minimum number of seats by the time stated on the OurScreen page for each film, the booking is lost. So please book as soon as possible.Any further enquiries please do not hesitate to reply to this email.Regards,Maz SaleemStop the War Coalition
Friday, 24 June 2016
We Are Many
London Assembly
London National Park City
Does your Ward support the London National Park City project? Check here to see and if not lobby your Councillors to get them to register.
London National Park City
London National Park City
Lloyd Park Garden Party
Walthamstow Garden Party-
Saturday 16th July- Sunday 17th July
Barbican and Create will once again be joining forces with Waltham Forest Council to present the Walthamstow Garden Party 2016 on Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 July. Celebrating Waltham Forest’s creative and cultural communities, this free event is part of the Council’s ‘Get Together’ programme and will see the beautiful Lloyd Park host two days of music, theatre, dance, film, spoken word, arts & crafts, food and family activity delivered in partnership with local organisations.
Art exhibition - Home
There’s no place like home- A Call to Residents
Local resident Nat Di Maggio is curating a new summer exhibition at The Mill called "HOME." It's exploring how amazing our little piece of the world really is and why so many of us have chosen to live here. Home is an emotive thing, people have been inspired to paint, draw, write poetry and wax lyrical in many paintings & songs about what it means to them. It’s about more than bricks and mortar, it’s about community, connection and a sense of belonging, it’s not just a place, it’s a feeling. They are looking for residents to share what it means to you to be part of Walthamstow in this way through your Art and participate in this summer exhibition at The Mill which runs 14 July - 2 September. For more information and to take part please email Nat.
Forest Philharmonic concert
Subject: Forest Phil's Concert Sunday 26 June
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Sunday 26 June, 6.30pm
DVOŘÁK Noonday Witch
DVOŘÁK Wind Serenade
STRAUSS Ein Heldenleben
Mark Shanahan Conductor
Walthamstow Assembly Hall
The translation of Ein Heldenleben is ‘A Hero’s Life’, and Strauss aims to tell the story of his life using snippets of his own music alongside depictions of sniping music critics and his wife. Dvořák also likes to tell stories in his music, and the opening piece tells the tale of a mischievous young boy whose mother tells him if he doesn’t behave that the noonday witch will come for him....
Free pre-concert talk downstairs at 5.30pm in the Jubilee Room.
Your orchestra,
Forest Philharmonic PS Something for the diary.
On Sunday 16 October 2016, the Orchestra will be playing Saint-Saens Danse Macabre, Rimsky-Korsakov Capriccio Espagnol and Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 6 at the Walthamstow Assembly Hall. We hope you can join us for what will be an amazing concert!
Tickets £10-£15
Concessions £8-£12
under 26s/students £3
Buy online
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Copyright © 2016 Forest Philharmonic, All rights reserved.
members of Forest Philharmonic emailing list
Our mailing address is:Forest Philharmonic22 Tower Hamlets RoadLondon, England E17 4RHUnited Kingdom
Add us to your address book
Thursday, 23 June 2016
Friday, 17 June 2016
Jo Cox MP
'Jo was never one for sitting in meetings; she knew social justice requires all of us to get stuck into making change happen' - Tribute to Jo Cox MP + E17 Community Commemoration Event 2/3 July 2016
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Dear Walthamstow,
I’m writing this as a public letter to all residents of Walthamstow to set out my appreciation at the messages so many of you have sent following the brutal murder of my friend and colleague Jo Cox, the MP for Batley and Spen, and your comments on the work that MPs do.
Jo Cox was my mate. Before either of us were elected to any office we knew each other through campaigning- both of us being passionate about equality and getting more women’s voices heard in public life. You couldn’t help but want to spend time with Jo because she was so committed to the causes she cared about and also a lot of fun – and when she was elected to parliament in 2015 I was delighted because I knew she’d be an amazing MP and that we would get to spend more time together. In just under a year she came to led the way in fighting for Syrian refugees and for the UK to play its part in ending the civil war in Syria – challenging the Government and us opposition MPs alike not simply to be concerned, but to act. I have no doubt that there are people alive today due to her efforts- and I know how she loved her home community in Batley and Spen too. I’d regularly proclaim Walthamstow to be God’s Own country- to a proud Yorkshire lass like Jo this was sacrilege! 24 hours on from her brutal murder I cannot comprehend she’s gone- when I return to Westminster I will still expect to see her in a corridor in parliament cycling kit in hand, rushing to vote and to get back in time for bedtime for her children whilst demanding that we sort out catching up and me promising cake when we did. We have lost one of the best public servants not just Batley and Spen, but Britain had, and I know our parliament and our democracy will be poorer for it. Over the coming days many people will talk about what this heinous crime means for the safety of those who become representatives and the temperature of public life and public debate. I take my lead on this from Jo- I know how much she loved the work she did in her constituency, how much she valued time out of Westminster and being with the community she cared about and what impact it had on her policy and political campaigns. Like Jo I would never wish to be apart from my constituency – even when sometimes our discussions are heated! The insights I learn from having the privilege of being your MP and working with you all influence the work I do everyday- whether on payday loans, housing policy, healthcare or tackling harassment. I also am extremely proud of the team who work with me- and we are a team- and will brook no disrespect of the long hours and commitment they show to seeking to help residents in Walthamstow. What Jo said of Batley and Spen in her maiden speech to parliament could also be true of Walthamstow: "While we celebrate our diversity, what surprises me time and time again as I travel around the constituency is that we are far more united and have far more in common with each other than things that divide us" At its best Walthamstow and its residents embody that spirit of common concern and commitment to each other as well as appreciation for the influence and interests living in a diverse area offers all of us. Its why I proud when I see so many of you standing up to those who would threaten our capacity as a community to live together and seeking to make this a better place for all, whether in your volunteer work or community campaigning. And its why I know its vital we also defend together our ability to debate respectfully and disagree as well as collaborate, challenging those who want to exclude and shut down others simply because they are different. This is no easy option – in a diverse community facing many problems it would be easy to spend time looking for someone to blame, rather than taking on the sometimes difficult and longwinded task of trying to change things for the better. But Walthamstow at its best does not give up and it does not allow itself to be divided in such ways. In being able to secure a brighter future not just for our community but also our country we must never take that spirit for granted, and never stop working to ensure everyone is truly welcome to contribute to our shared success. “Today is the beginning of a new chapter in our lives. More difficult, more painful, less joyful, less full of love. I and Jo's friends and family are going to work every moment of our lives to love and nurture our kids and to fight against the hate that killed Jo. Jo believed in a better world and she fought for it everyday of her life with an energy, and a zest for life that would exhaust most people. She would have wanted two things above all else to happen now, one that our precious children are bathed in love and two, that we all unite to fight against the hatred that killed her. Hate doesn't have a creed, race or religion, it is poisonous. Jo would have no regrets about her life, she lived every day of it to the full." In the light of these events we have currently suspended campaigning activities around the European Referendum until Sunday 19th June, and parliament will be recalled on Monday 20th June so that we may pay our respects to her – I also want to ask Walthamstow to do this in our own unique way too. Jo was never one for sitting in meetings; she knew social justice requires all of us to get stuck into making change happen. That’s why I’m asking residents to join me in a weekend of action in her memory. In recent weeks we have been working together to raise the money to buy three caravans to be sent to Calais to help the refugees. On the weekend of the 2nd and 3rd July after the European Referendum we will be coming together as a community to refurbish, paint and stock these caravans ahead of taking them to Calais, so that the refugees Jo was so determined to help in the camps there may have more stable accommodation in which to live. We will also be collecting at this event for our local foodbank Eat or Heat – Jo was also equally active helping the Batley Foodbank. We’ll be dedicating this weekend of work and the outcomes it achieves to Jo’s memory- so if you would like to help us with this weekend of action or with the items required for the caravans or eat or heat please do get in touch by replying to this email. If you cannot join us on this weekend, you can also make a donation in Jo’s name via this website which has been set up by her family to support the charities and causes she felt so strongly about: Thank you once again to all those who have been in touch- and for being part of our wonderful Walthamstow community,
Stella Creasy, Labour and Cooperative MP for Walthamstow
p.s. The Working for Walthamstow e-newsletter will return on Monday 20th June 2016 |
Lea Valley Federation
Lea Valley Federation |
- SLM Digest 3-6-16
- SLM Digest 26-5-16
- SLM Digest 20-6-16
- SLM Digest 20-5-16
- SLM Digest 11-5-16
- SLM Digest 28-4-16
- SLM Digest 14-4-6
Posted: 13 Jun 2016 02:03 AM PDT
To: yahoo group
Saturday, 11 June 2016
CQC inspecting Barts Trust
Subject: CQC Inspection of Barts
To: Samuel Wallace <>
To: Samuel Wallace <>
Dear all,
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator of all health and social care services in England. We register, monitor and inspect services to make sure they provide safe, effective, compassionate, high quality care, and we encourage them to improve.
We will shortly be inspecting services provided by Barts Health NHS Trust, which includes:
Services delivered at -
We would be interested to hear if your organisation has received any feedback about this Trust from the people / organisations you work with, and if you would be able to send out the attached poster to the members/users of your organisation, through any e-mail list, e-bulletin, newsletter and website you may have.
Additionally it would be much appreciated if you could forward this on to anyone you think may be interested.
If you have any questions or would like any more information then please let me know.
Samuel Wallace
Senior Regional Public Engagement and Involvement Officer (London & South East England)
Care Quality Commission (CQC)CQC | 151 Buckingham Palace Road | London | SW1W 9SZ
Tel: 07747455180
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