Thursday 31 March 2022

Town Centre Update 31-3-22

The Town Centre as conceived in 1983

Now the owners, Capital and Regional , want to bring it into the 21st century by expanding the shopping space as more people shop online, build two residential tower blocks 34 and 26 storeys, over twice the height of any other block in the Borough. To make space for this they have closed the Heart Charity shop and Costa Coffee and will be building over 32% of the open space, leaving less than 50% of the existing green space for informal leisure, despite needing more open space for the people who will live in the 538 new flats.

Unlike the majority of the large developers in the Borough C&R have made no effort to keep in touch with residents. At Christmas we managed to get them to admit they would be starting work early this year. So far no information has come from them and now they have closed the chairty shop and Costa Coffee. When will they let us know the timeline for turning the Town Centre into a building site for well over 5 years?

In addition the Grenfell Inquiry has not completed it's work so what evidence is there that these flats will be safe, especially as they will be constructed off site and bolted together on site?

Come and make your protest on Saturday 9th April at 1pm 

in the Town Square.


Heart Charity Shop closed

Costa Coffee closed

1 comment:

  1. Hello! Do you happen to know the names of any councillors who voted against this development???? Thanks!


All comments welcome - but please be polite!