Thursday 26 January 2023

Town Centre Playground - Update Jan 2023


The coucil heeded our request to refurbish the playground in the Town Centre. You would have hoped they had the gumption to move it to a new site away from the crowded entrance to what is now a building site. As it will be at least 5 years before the new playground is available you would have hoped they would have provided all new equipment. 

Why has it not been funded by Long Harbour and Capital & Regional who are spending at least £260m on this project?  Do they not believe in contributing to community facilities? This total lack of keeping the public informed about their scheme, the disruption and pollution they are already causing and the felling of 52 mature trees deserves at least a decent play space!

Why can it not be built NOW in its final location by Lidl's? It also needs to be twice the size of the current one as it is already too small and over crowded. Contact your Councillors and demand better.

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