Monday 18 September 2023

Uplands Business Park (Blackhorse Lane) redevelopment

 Can the road network in Blackhorse Lane, let alone the North Circular manage all the traffic this proposal will generate over many years! Get your objections in NOW!!

Updated Plans

LBWF Planning Search for 222739

Applicant: (BNP Paribas Depository Services (Jersey) Limited and BNP Paribas Depository Services Limited as Trustees of the BlackRock UK Property Fund and NEAT Developments Limited)

RE-CONSULTATION - CHANGE TO DESCRIPTION OF DEVELOPMENT HYBRID PLANNING APPLICATION for the phased demolition of all existing buildings and structures (excluding Uplands House), site preparation works, and comprehensive industrial-led mixed-use redevelopment of parts of UPLANDS BUSINESS PARK AND FOREST TRADING ESTATE, BLACKHORSE LANE, WALTHAM FOREST, LONDON, comprising: 

DETAILED planning application for the construction of two buildings (Blocks A1 and A2) comprising flexible industrial floorspace (Use Classes B2, B8, and E(g)(ii and iii)) and one mixed-use building (Block B) comprising residential dwellings (Use Class C3) and flexible industrial floorspace (Use Classes B2, B8, and E(g)(ii and iii)), as well as ancillary yard areas; car/cycle parking; amenity; plant; public, communal, and private realm; soft/hard landscaping; infrastructure, access, and highway works; and other associated works; 

OUTLINE planning application (with all matters reserved) for the construction of up to eight development plots (with maximum building heights of up 

(NOTE: Walthamstow Tower Centre tower is 137m and that is 34 storeys!)

up to 22.6 m A.O.D. (Plot C), 

up to 145.0 m A.O.D. (Plots D and H),   (2 well over 34 storeys.)

up to 110.2 m A.O.D (Plots E and J), 

up to 72.4m A.O.D. (Plot F), 

up to 51.0 m A.O.D. (Plot G), and 

up to 40.5 m A.O.D. (Plot K)) 

comprising up to 167,398sqm (GEA) residential floorspace (Use Class C3), up to 15,006sqm (GEA) of flexible industrial floorspace (Use Classes B2, B8, and E(g)(ii and iii)), and up to 5,000 sqm (GEA) of Classes E and F and Sui Generis (Drinking Establishment/Bar) floorspace, as well as ancillary yard areas; car/cycle parking; amenity; plant; public, communal, and private realm; soft/hard landscaping; infrastructure, access, and highway works; and other associated works.

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