Monday 23 September 2013

Leyton Jubilee Park - Marsh Lane update

Leyton Jubilee Park

Our plans for creating a better leisure facilities have come a very long way.  Improvements to Ive Farm and Marsh Lane Playing Fields have been brought  together to create Leyton Jubilee Park, named to mark the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.  The new bridge over Dagenham Brook which will improve access to the park from Marsh Lane, is nearly complete and we will soon be repainting the Cottage used by Eton Manor Running Club.
An outdoor gym has now been installed in the park offering free fitness facilities to residents. We will be offering users free instructor led sessions two evenings and two mornings a week to help keep people active.
To complement the works already complete a team of 35 volunteers from Barclays in Canary Wharf painted bridges, walls and railings blighted by graffiti, pruned and removed shrubs and cut away huge amounts of foliage, succeeding their aim to make the park an even more pleasant place for family and friends to spend time together.
Find out more about Leyton Jubilee Park.

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