Tuesday 17 July 2018

Wood Street Library Update 2

Despite allowing Wood Street First to address the Cabinet meeting the Chair and Vice Chair had already decided the scheme should go ahead and the rest of the Cabinet just followed their lead and voted in favour. I think it is called a dictatorship! It was a total waste of our time trying to lobby the "strong leader" as she clearly wants to destroy anything old or attractive.

As a result of the Cabinet decision today a new library will be cobbled together using 3 new shop units in the Marlowe Road development, the existing building will be demolished and to comply with the London Plan a tall building, probably 20 storeys, will be built by a private developer to provide a Gateway in to Wood Street to complement the existing St.David's tower block.

The council has wanted to do this for years so once the new library opens, probably in early 2019, the old library will handed over to the new developer who will commence work sometime next year. To achieve that timescale a consultation of the new building to replace the existing one may well be in August when we are all on holiday!

What is the point of getting involved in local community matters when those in power despise you so much!

For more info.....

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