Friday 14 June 2013

Bakers Arms protest

Email to Director of Public Realm



We are very concerned at the damage the new plans for the Bakers Arms are doing. Already the Hornbeam tree has been cut down in its prime. We worked with the council in 1976 to get the old toilets removed and the area smartened up. The result was the ladies and gents were removed and Hornbeam trees planted in the space. The ladies one did not survive and at the Millenium the current exciting street art of 3 columns and a light was erected in the ladies toilet space while the Hornbeam in the gents continued to thrive.

 With no consultation with the public, that we are aware of, a whole new scheme is being implemented which will take years to mature and looking at the artists impressions does not actually impinge on the area that you are already destroying.

Huge mistakes were made in Wood Street when the highway was re-aligned so now in some areas the pavement is so narrow parents with prams can't get past. In addition a lane was removed at the junction with Lea Bridge Road causing enormous tail backs of traffic until the contractors were told to re-instate the lane.

Our understanding is you intend to remove the slip lane from Hoe Street to Lea Bridge Road. Surely this will cause enormous tail backs along Hoe Street? In our experience tinkering with sensitive junctions can very easily create far greater problems than currently exist. Everyone knows Lea Bridge road is barely able to cope with the traffic, but since the changes in the Clapton Roundabout the traffic flow has improved. If you get it wrong at the Bakers Arms you will be taking this road back to its nightmare days!

Surely this scheme should be put on hold until the public have been properly consulted and their views fed into the design of the junction


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